2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Friday, September 10, 2010

911 comments by Bernie

By Bernie

September 10, 2010

As I sit at my desk on the eve of the worst disaster in American history I’m compelled to comment.

An estimated 2147 people died in the attacks, counting the 147 people on the planes.

These were Muslim fanatics who carried out the attacks. Attackers who felt it was their religious duty to murder thousands of innocent people. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hindus; Muslims.

Now President Obama, a man who is quick to say America is not a Christian nation, but rather a Muslim nation. It is Obama who is committed to the building of a Muslim mosque near the scene of ground –zero. He claims it’s because of 1’st Amendment Rights we have in this country.

Tell me, Mr. President, where is that concern for Constitutional Rights when it comes to the Rights of American people? It would seem that Rights only apply when and to whom you and your ilk say they apply. The Constitution only applies when it can be used to justify your agenda and only after you and yours have ‘interpreted’ it in the broadest of interpretations that only you could rationalize. Let’s be clear, the law means whatever you and your followers say it means – subject to change when it fits your needs.

Pretend that I’m a four-year-old and explain this to me, if you can. Why is it that you keep referring to Muslims as a peaceful people, yet you continue to lament the hatred of Americans and the death of Americans that will follow if the nut-job down in Florida burns Muslim Korans if they are truly a peaceful religion? You don’t seem to hold the Holly Bible in the same reverence as the Koran. You don’t seem concerned that Christians are going spread bloodshed among Muslims when they burn the bible.

Why is it, do you suppose Muslims don’t die in mass when they burn the Holly Bible and the American flag? It’s a rhetorical question, Mr. President; I’ll help you out. It’s because we are a peaceful and tolerant people; unlike those of the Muslim faith. Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism doesn’t require you to annihilate those who don’t agree with our faith. On the contrary, our tolerance of opposing faiths is protected under our 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The higher the percentage of Muslims in a country – the higher the percentage of violence. That isn’t racism, Mr. President; it’s a verifiable fact. Of course President Obama and the liberal media keep telling us that Obama isn't a Muslim. I've always been told that "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

England is an example of a country that has adopted your progressive ideas when it comes to Muslims. Might want to check to see how much violence that progressive policy has promulgated. We, as Americans need to stay ever-vigilant of a religion that believes it’s alright to give 99 lashes to and stone a woman to death who is accused of adultery, or believes in ‘honor’ killings, mutilating women and young girls and beheadings. Doesn’t sound quite like the ‘peaceful’ religion that I’m accustomed to.

You and your fellow so-called ‘progressives’ can keep preaching the bovine flatulence of your ‘hope and change’. Frankly, most Americans are going to show you and your ilk exactly what we have in mind for change when November comes around. Is it 2012, yet?

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