2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Are you paying for the ‘Sanctuary city’ scam?

Are taxpayers paying for sanctuary cities to skirt enforcement laws? In a word – YES.

A report from the Center for Immigration Studies says $62.2 million dollars was allocated to a program known as SCAAP. That’s 15% of its annual budget of $400 million. The money went to 27 jurisdictions that included cities such as, San Francisco, Chicago and the county of Santa Clara in California.

The same cities and counties that are refusing to obey illegal immigration laws are demanding subsidizing from the government (that would be you and I as law-abiding taxpayers) for the cost of illegal immigration. Yep, they refuse to alert the Customs Enforcement folks, but demand money in the form of federal grants. That’s ridiculous – or so one would think. Apparently the feds don’t see it that way. They are giving OUR (because the government has no money other than what they take from us – taxpayers) to these cities and counties.

According to Department of Justice figures $14.2 million went to Los Angeles County, $13.4 million to New York City and another $88 million to the state of California.

I have a novel idea. Why not charge those cities and states for not enforcing the law. It winds up costing the rest of us in the form of crime, and services rendered; just to touch the tip of the iceberg? As a matter of fact, they owe the taxpayers for all the $millions they’ve been fraudulently receiving. But that’s just me.

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