Tucson, AZ 01/09/2011
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Yesterday was a sad day for Tucson, for the nation and for the friends and families of the murdered and wounded at a town hall meeting in Tucson.
Gabrielle Giffords was holding one of her many town hall meetings at a local strip mall on the northwest side of Tucson.
It’s reported that approximately 10 minutes into the meet and greet a lone gunman, 22-year-old Jared Loughner walked up to Congresswoman Giffords and shot her in the head at point-blank range. He then began firing his 9 mm. Glock 19 indiscriminately, resulting in the deaths of 5 others, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old little girl.
As the shooter attempted to put a fresh mag in the firearm a woman in the crowd wrestled them away from him. Two men in the crowd wrestled the shooter to the ground. One of them was grazed by a bullet but refused medical treatment until the others were attended to. The woman and the two men are heroes.
As is so often the case, there was much misinformation at first. The news initially reported that Giffords had been shot in the head at close range. Then they reported that she had died. It was later learned that she was in surgery and was in critical condition but they were cautiously optimistic.
In the interest of full disclosure I will offer that I disagree with Congresswoman Giffords on many issues and agree with her on some others. When I heard of the shooting it was as though a friend had been shot, however. When it was reported that she had died from her wound it was as though I had lost a friend. We weren’t friends who went out for dinner or exchanged gifts. As a matter of fact she wouldn’t know me if I was standing beside her in a restaurant. Still, I could disagree on political policies with her and not consider her inherently evil. She never struck me as that kind of person.
In my mind another tragedy was committed following the horrendous act that needlessly took the lives of innocent people and left others wounded. That tragedy was the interview by Pima County Sheriff, Clearance Dupnik. The good sheriff, a man visibly, and understandably shaken by the events of the day decided to subscribe to former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel’s credo of, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Dupnik, not content to merely give, “just the facts”, opted to go on a rant in a thinly-veiled attack on right-wing media, the tea-party and ostensibly anyone who disagrees with the far-left radical movement and implying that it was in some way their fault for the shooting.
When the sheriff was first introduced he gave a brief statement and said he would be followed by the Arizona state representative for the FBI. He looked as though he was irritated that another agency would dare infringe on his authority. He introduced the FBI agent as, “Nate Gray”, then he looked back toward the agent as though he was annoyed that it was a new person and said, “Used to be, Green.” It was at that point Dupnik shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “Whatever” and went back to addressing the news people.
After a brief sit rep (situation report), Dupnik went into typical Dupnik/Rahn Emanuel mode and launch into a nonsensical tirade on those he thought to be responsible for the senseless shooting.
“The suspected shooter is Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-year-old who lives on the northwest side. He is mentally unstable and may have had an accomplice, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Saturday evening.”
I’m not a real psychiatrist and don’t even play one on TV, but I would submit that I find Clarence to be mentally unstable and decidedly an anti-gun, elitist ideologue who attempted to blame the tragedy on the “…vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day-to-day from people in the radio business and some people in the TV business. This has not become the nice United States of America that most of us grew up in.” The sheriff went on to say, ala: Raul Grijalva, Arizona has become the capital of bigotness and prejudice. Sort of reminds me of an old proverb that states it's better to be a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it. Sheriff, you really shouldn't miss a good oportunity to shut up when you're making a fool of yourself on national TV.
Megan Kelly, a news anchor on Fox News and a very accomplished attorney asked Dupnik if he had anything in his investigation to substantiate his claim of the so-called vitriol of TV and radio inflaming the shooter.
Dupnik went on a diatribe that had nothing to do with the question. In true Megan Kelly fashion, Kelly kept pressing the sheriff as to whether he had anything to back his claims of whether the shooter had even listened to TV or radio commentators. In the end he had to admit that it was only his opinion. When Megan asked if he should be adding fuel to the fire he answered, "I guess that will be for your viewers to decide." The man is a moron! I don't want him shot, either. I just want him voted out. He's an embarrasment to our comunity.
It doesn’t take a giant leap to figure out who that statement was directed at – any radio or television host who disagrees with far left Democrat ideologues or people bothered by the constant attack on the Right to keep and bear arms by law-abiding citizens. He’s never been bashful about his views on private ownership of firearms.
Rest assured that Dupnik, Obama and all the anti-gun populace will be short-stroking this tragedy in an attempt to advance their anti-gun agenda and their quest for endless gun laws. Lest you think I'm exagerating:
As someone who is trained in personal protection I can assure you that anytime you have someone who is willing to trade their life for yours, you have a tough road to hoe. It is already illegal to murder someone. The law is very tough on the murder or attempted murder of a Congress person and especially a federal judge. Clearly he was not going to be deterred by any law – especially a gun law. This guy was a nut job (don’t ya love people knowledgeable in medical terms), in my opinion. He had a long history, going back to high school days as an outcast and very disturbed.
I, and many others have political disagreements with our politicians. Having a political disagreement with someone doesn’t equate to a desire to murder those who disagree with us, however. Lord knows I disagree with how our current President is running our country. I also disagreed many times with how President Bush was running the country. I know of many who feel the same, but like me have never entertained the idea of killing them. You simply work to have them voted out of office next time and hope for the best.
What this terrible tragedy has shown us is
1. If someone is willing to trade their life for yours, gun laws won’t stop them.
2. Democrats like Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and others will not pass up an opportunity to subscribe to the Rahm Emanuel credo of, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
3. Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik really is worse than even I thought and needs to be replaced in the next election. He’s a politician – not a sheriff.
The shooter is a deranged person who’s problems have been well-documented long before the so-called ‘vitriol’ Dupnik spoke of.
Here’s to a full and speedy recovery, Gabby. I’ll be praying for it.
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