2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Truth in advertising replaced by Political Correctness

The warning signs put up on public land northwest of Tucson have been replaced by kinder and gentler signs.

The original signs put up by the BLM warned visitors that the area was active with human and drug smuggling and visitors may encounter "armed criminals and smuggling vehicles." That is what is known as truth in advertising.

Unfortunately, truth in advertising has been replaced in the interest of PC. The new signs say, "VISITOR INFORMATION UPDATE"
Active federal law enforcement patrol area
Clean-up restoration crews at work
Contact BLM Rangers for current area status

Pleeeeeease! You can take your kinder and gentler signs and use them for emergency enemas. The old signs were accurate and I'm not a PC kind of guy.

And while we're at it, how is it that a federal judge felt it was OK for 11 Mexican interests to file amicus - Latin (friend of the court) briefs with the court? Does anyone believe Mexico would allow Americans to file a friend-of-the-court brief in a Mexican court? It's a rhetorical question. The answer is, "Hell, no!" And a federal judge has no legal justification for allowing the Mexican government to file one in an American court!

At what point are we going to demand the inmates quit running the asylum?

Pearls of Wisdom from our commander in chief

A quote from Obama:

"Over and over again, we have moved forward an agenda that is making a difference in People's lives each and every day."

No kidding!! Hitler could have made the same claim.

Unemployment is at 9.6%, foreclosures are at an all time high, the national debt is over $5 trillion (with a 'T'), none of our allies trust us and our enemies are laughing at your stupidity and the gullability of the idiots who voted for you. You've done more to destroy America than the commies could do in decades.

Obama has taken 8 lavish vacations and the arrogant, Narcissistic idiot is proud of the impact he and his ilk have heaped on us every day. He would make Carl Marx proud.

Had this been a Conservative President, he would have been brought up on charges of treason.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Obama's Department of Justice trying to rig elections again?

Despite the MOVE Act requiring election ballots to be mailed within 45 days of an election to our military personnel overseas, New York City has yet to comply.

The MOVE Act was sponsored by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) and passed in 2009.

More than 320,000 military personnel stationed overseas have yet to have their ballots mailed to them. 50,000 of those are from New York City, alone. The impact of this blatant failure to comply with the law can mean the difference between a candidate winning or losing an election. Traditionally, service members tend to lean more Conservative than Liberal; a fact I'm sure Obama and his posse are fully aware of.

It's the same scenario we have with Al Franken. Even though we know he stole the election by allowing votes from felons who couldn't legally vote, nothing can be done about it now. I'm certain the Democrats would be moving to pass a special amendment to 'correct' the situation if the shoe was on the other foot.

Make no mistake, Obama and the Democrats know they're in big trouble and will stop at nothing -- legal or illegal to try to insure a win for them. Obama will no doubt try to run this election just like they do things in Chicago (and Iran, for that matter). Remember, Obama has shown he has no tolerance for those opposing him and his agenda.

This was reported by Fox News. How much about it have you seen or heard or read in the mainstream media?

This aspiring dictator has deemed our country is his and will not be denied his place at the head of the throne. It is up to us to get out and vote stop him and his comrades before it's too late. We aren't dealing with people who have any respect for the Constitution of the United States or any law that gets in their way.

Whether you are Democrat, Republican, Independent or Tea Party member, what has happened to America since Obama was elected has to be scaring the heck out of you. This is no time for partisan politics. The cost for not stopping him is too great to ignore.

The pot calling the kettle black?

Obama and his gang (gang of thugs would probably be the more appropriate term), have accused Carl Rove and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of trying to use money from undisclosed sources; in this instance, from "foreign corporations" to influence elections.

"So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections, and they won't tell you where the money for their ads come from," Obama said.

"...influence American elections...". Hmmmmmm, sound anything like, ACORN, Mr. President? Remind you of how moron, Al Franken got elected to the Senate, perhaps? It has been proven that Franken was elected by felons voting for him who were ineligible to vote. Of course we can't change it, now. It's too late to do anything about it except try to make sure it doesn't happen, again. Of course Obama and the Democrats want to insure that it DOES happen again in order to keep this group of treasonous individuals in office till they've completely destroyed us.

"Have these people no shame? Does the president of the United States have such little regard for the office that he holds that he goes out there and makes these kind of baseless charges against his political enemies?" Rove said. "This is just beyond the pale. How dare the president do this."

Well, Carl, clearly that was a rhetorical question. This President and his band of bandits will no doubt go down in history as the most corrupt administration in history -- a lofty goal, to be sure. In my years of following politics (since Eisenhower), I've seen dirty politics from both sides of the aisle. I can't recall any as bad and as corrupt as the Obama administration, though.

Of course he does come from that bastion of corruption, Chicago. Chicago is considered by a large percentage of Americans (with the exception of those who benefit from the Daley machine), as the most corrupt city in the U.S.

But getting back to your question, Carl, no, these people have no shame and yes, this President has no regard for the office he holds or the office, itself. It's merely a tool; a means to an end. This President has shown himself to be an aspiring dictator with no patience for definant dissidence who would dare invoke the Constitution of the United States. Still, there are 'progressives' who will vote for Obama because they want to show they aren't racist. Race has nothing to do with the condition Obama has put America in! It's his and his gang's policies. As I've said before, these people are like looters after a catastrophe; they want to steal all they can before they get stopped.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chutzpah of the day award

Chutzpah of the day award

Chutzpah is loosely defined as having more balls than a brass-assed monkey at a banker’s convention.

And now for the winner:

This, according to a Fox News story:

"A coalition of Mexican mayors has asked the United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to Mexican border cities, saying the deportations are contributing to Mexican border violence."


Something else noteworthy is the feds have reported that 23.384 illegals have taken so-called 'repatriation' flights from Tucson to Mexico City, just this summer alone! In the seven years the program has been in effect 116,000 illegals have been flown to Mexico City. It is there that they can catch a bus back to their home town.

What the report doesn't say is how many of these same people have been re-apprehended crossing back into the U.S. again and how many times.