2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bring more Frisbees for Peace

Order more Frisbees for Peace

Tucson, AZ
Ah, once again we have those folks who like to throw Frisbees for Peace and show up in their beige Volvo with their, ‘Yes we can’ bumper stickers, wearing their earth-tone colored clothes and sandals over their socks, telling us they are promoting peace and tranquility through bull crap.

"The best part is just going around and seeing all of the people who are active, who are making a difference in Tucson, who are making a better future for peace and for justice," said organizer, Joe Bernick. Tell me, Joe, what can you point to that indicates to you that your actions have promoted peace and justice? Peace is not merely defined as the absence of war. The Jews were at peace with Nazi Germany. Of course the Nazis were slaughtering them and torturing them because they had no way to defend themselves. As an aside, most Jews felt registering their firearms was pretty innocuous. The term today is, ‘reasonable gun laws’ and many here didn't learn from the Jews.

‘wishing upon a star’ won’t cut it, old chap and ‘justice’; well, what is your definition of justice, Joe? Are you and your ilk really that naïve or are you just dumber than a box of rocks, (no offense to those rock collectors out there who read my blog)? I would ask Joe, other than rhetorically, but I’m terrified of what his definition might be.

I’m sure it involves all of those evil capitalists turning over their profits they worked for to you and your friends to build communes where we can all sit by the campfire and sing, Michael rowed the boat ashore – right after they throw their Frisbees in hopes that whoever our enemy de jour would be at that time, would not kill them or torture their family members.

The fair claims "We may never have complete peace, but we may have less war, and we may never eliminate crime, but we can have less crime. It's all about making a better world." I ask again, Joe, what can you point to that would indicate your activities are helping to achieve that goal? Take your time, I’ll wait. Joe and his band of misfits are the type of folks who believe the only way to make the world better is to work toward the demise of the evil United States. Then the world would be filled with peace and harmony.

If only we could be more like 3rd world countries that are run my dictators and where rape, murder and torture are the rule of he day and where the standard of living is horrible, we could be better. Here’s a map, Joe. Why don’t you and your gang jump in your beige Volvo and drive to one of them. Wait – better yet, hike there; it will leave a smaller carbon footprint.

Pat Birnie with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom has attended the fair for the last 15 years told the Arizona Daily Star, "I encourage people who have never attended to come and be amazed by the variety of local groups."
Oh, trust me, Pat; I’m amazed.

Of course what would a sit-in be without the loons from Code Pink? Code Pink is an anti-war organization of mainly women who are devoted to stopping new wars and redirecting funds to aid health care, education and "green" jobs. Hummmm, “re-directing funds”, you say. And where do those funds come from? Certainly not from people who actually work for a living. Code Pink doesn’t have time to do that, in between running around the country, bad-mouthing our military men and women who protect Code Pinks’ right to be stupid. I'm certain Code pink was thrilled when that closet member, Barack Obama decided to give information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain to Russia as part of an arms control deal.

It may sound cliché, and certainly beyond the understanding of the Birkenstock crowd, but freedom really isn’t free and good people have died so that people like you can run around like left-over hippies from the 60’s and have your sit-ins, (fairs) and “celebrate unity, tolerance and justice today at the 29th annual Tucson Peace Fair and Music Festival.”

I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a big fan of war. I wish they would throw a war and no one show up. I'm also not inclined to run around with my head in the sand and think there aren't enemies out there who would love nothing more than to take over the U.S. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

But that's just me 2: You wanna talk 'vitriol'

But that's just me 2: You wanna talk 'vitriol': "After the Tucson shooting we heard from the great scholar and liberal activist sheriff, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Without a shred of anything..."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Border cities safer than ever

Our crack Homeland Security department, headed by the very lovely and vivacious Janet Napalitano claims border sheriffs, who actually live in the border towns effected by violence from Mexico don't know what they're talking about. I mean, who are you going to believe, Janet or your lying eyes?

The following is a quote from our esteemed Homeland Security cheif:

"Unfortunately, it has proven easy to score cheap political point by providing misinformation about the border, misinformation which many border mayors and Sheriffs say inaccurately portrays their communities as dangerous places to live and do business."

I live about 85 miles from the Mexican border and I can tell you she's full of bovine flatulance. She was when she was governor of Arizona and the level has only managed to get worse.

Islam has always been a part of America's story

The following was emailed to me. I wholeheartedly agree:

Barack Obama,
during his Cairo speech, said:
"I know, too, that Islam has always been a part
of America 's story."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those
Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims
first landed? Funny, I thought they were
Native American Indians.

Were those
Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving
day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and
Native American Indians.

Can you
show me one Muslim signature on the United
States Constitution?

of Independence ?

Bill of

think so.

Muslims fight for this country's freedom from
England ? No.

Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the
slaves in America ? No, they did
not. In fact, Muslims to this day are
still the largest traffickers in human
slavery. Your own half brother, a devout
Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black
Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot
of what the Muslim world really thinks of your
family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.

Where were
Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this
country? Not present.

There are
no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking
side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or
helping to advance the cause of Civil

Where were
Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage
era? Again, not present. In fact,
devout Muslims demand that women are subservient
to men in the Islamic culture. So much so,
that often they are beaten for not wearing the
'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a
direct family member or their husband.
Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights,
aren't they?

Where were
Muslims during World War II? They were
aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim
grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler,
reviewed the troops and accepted support from
the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th,
2001? If they weren't flying planes into
the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field
in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on
our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle
East . No one can dispute the pictures
shown from all parts of the Muslim world
celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other
cable news networks that day. Strangely,
the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent
over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June
4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To
many Americans, their silence has meant approval
for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr.
Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
in America ..

Oh, I'm sorry, I
forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
They were Muslim.

And now we can
add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American
soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a
doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be
counseling soldiers returning from battle in
Iraq and Afghanistan .

That, Mr. Obama
is the "Muslim heritage" in America