2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Border cities safer than ever

Our crack Homeland Security department, headed by the very lovely and vivacious Janet Napalitano claims border sheriffs, who actually live in the border towns effected by violence from Mexico don't know what they're talking about. I mean, who are you going to believe, Janet or your lying eyes?

The following is a quote from our esteemed Homeland Security cheif:

"Unfortunately, it has proven easy to score cheap political point by providing misinformation about the border, misinformation which many border mayors and Sheriffs say inaccurately portrays their communities as dangerous places to live and do business."

I live about 85 miles from the Mexican border and I can tell you she's full of bovine flatulance. She was when she was governor of Arizona and the level has only managed to get worse.

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