2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where are the arrests?

What a proud moment for Tucson, again.

We have a bunch of spoiled little brats showing up at a Tucson Unified School District meeting, chaining themselves together and to the chairs, pounding on the tables and shutting down a board meeting. These are the same type of morons who will destroy things if their basketball team loses the championship. They will also destroy things if their team wins. "Remember, we're dealing with the common clay of the new frontier. You know, morons."
--From the movie, Blazing Saddles

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss making the so-called ethnic studies class and elective.
Our little angels have learned well from the class. It teaches racism, that America stole Arizona from the Mexicans, Americans are an enemy, etc. The proponents of the class (of which they have no class) also claim the ethnic studies classes improve the students grades.

Actually the fact is their grades are lower.

I would rhetorically ask shy these little brats weren't cited, arrested and their parents ordered to come down to the court house. It's rhetorical because I know the answer and you probably do, too. If that were to happen the cops would be labeled, 'racists'. Trust me, if it had been Anglo kids that is exactly what would have happened.

If these little darlings want America to be more like Mexico, you know, rapes, kidnaps, murder, drug deals, government corruption and be-headings, I suggest they go 85 miles to the south and be happy. Hell, it would make us happy if they did.

Meanwhile they need to have their ass spanked, forced to get a job and actually earn something for a change. Then I want to see someone come and destroy it just like they do so they can see how it feels. Perhaps some graffiti on their car they just worked their butt off to buy would be a good start.

Please click on the link below to see the video that was in the Arizona Daily Star.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's the real motive?

The fact Obama lies every time he speaks (lectures) to the American public isn’t arguable.

The latest example was the White House begging the S&P to not release figures showing America is about to lose it’s stellar credit rating, thanks to his policies. Despite Obama trying to play it off and suggest all was well in Gotham, the S&P revealed a picture quite different.

We also had the interview in Texas recently. When asked by the interviewer why Obama thought he was so unpopular in Texas Obama responded by saying Texas was a Conservative state and he only lost by a couple of points. The interviewer corrected him by saying he lost by 11 points.

Despite reports to the contrary by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that Obama care was actually going to cost us more, Obama continues to claim otherwise.

In a recent address Obama tried to tie the collapse of a bridge in Minnesota to Bush budget policies – knowing full well that the bridge collapsed because of a design flaw and had nothing to do with Bush economic policies.

In a recent Face Book town hall an individual asked what the President could do about helping his family buy a home. Rather than correctly tell the individual, “Me and my cronies like Christopher Dodd, Charlie Rangel, et al have screwed things up so badly that it’s laughable that you would even ask such a stupid question; you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of purchasing a home now.”, he simply suggested that they rent, instead.

Obama recently told a group of his groupies that we shouldn’t use coal as an energy source “…because as we all know, coal causes asthma.” That’s non-sense. Coal does not cause asthma.

His idea for those who complain of high gasoline prices is to, “get a tune up and make sure your tire pressure is correct.” Unless you are driving a relic, lack of carburetors on most cars today precludes tune-ups. Correcting the tire pressure will help your tires last longer but the impact on your gas mileage is negligible.

The President knows that federal budgets can legally only be projected for 10 years. Yet, in an effort to make his budget seem to be in line with Eric Cantor and the GOP’s budget he claimed his budget would save $4 trillion over the next 12 years. Just a bit of slight- of- hand. The fact is his budget would only reduce a little over $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

Not long after his so-called stimulus went into effect he claimed fictional jobs that he supposedly created in Congressional districts in Arizona that don’t even exist. He was probably thinking of jobs he created in our 57th state that he spoke of.

The fact of the matter is I haven’t even scratched the surface of the bravo sierra this President has spewed. You can always tell when he’s lying because his lips are moving.

Knowing that he is a flim-flam man who makes used car salesman look honest makes me wonder what his real agenda is – aside from the obvious – wealth distribution.

He says people like him in his tax bracket need to pay more in taxes, even though he paid far less than he would have us believe.

Where is the transparency he spoke of when he was candidate Obama? Where is the turn-around in the economy he promised? OK, I’ll give him that one. There has been a dramatic turn around in the economy. It just wasn’t for the better. Our economy is a disaster and he and his ilk want to continue spending money we don’t have.

I don’t have the band-width to address all of the lies this President has told. He has shown he will say whatever he thinks he has to in order to get re-elected. He’s never left campaign mode. He says he needs more than one term to finish the job. He means to finish the U.S. off, once and for all! If he’s done this much damage in two years, one can only imagine what he can do with a second term; certainly more than the Communists could have ever hoped to have achieved in decades.

We need to make sure Obama is a one-term President. Keep in mind he’s trying to get amnesty for illegals (undocumented Democrats) to insure that end. And let’s not forget the ACORN policy of, ‘vote early and vote often’. These people are crooks. There is no other way of sugar-coating it.

If Obama truly is the smartest man in America, as we're being lead to believe, we have to assume that he believes all of us are the stupidist people on the planet. Not all of us, Mr. President, just the ones who voted for you and are Kool Aid drinkers who refuse to admit they screwed up.

If the shoe fits...

The following story was listed in the Arizona Daily Star, a Tucson, AZ paper:

"The law, formerly known as HB 2281, prohibits courses that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government; promote resentment toward a race or class of people; are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group; and that advocate ethnic solidarity instead of treating students as individuals.

The plaintiffs said they believe the law is the product of racial bias aimed specifically at Hispanics."

Gee, why on earth would they think that? RAZA was teaching overthrow of the government, the U.S. belongs to Mexico and racism was being taught. Sounds like the shoe fits.


Only the police should have firearms file

From the, “Only police and military should have firearms.” file

The Arizona Daily Star reports a Pima County Sheriff’s detective has met the enemy and the enemy was him.

Detective Kurt Dabb was taken to the hospital after accidentally shooting himself in the leg while getting ready to attend a firearms qualification.

This will not look good on his resume. There is no report on whether Detective Dabb will sue himself or not. It appears he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do we need more gun laws?


The shooter walked into a school and shot 12 middle school students, aged 12-15 to death and then killed himself. He left the obligatory rambling note behind and was even gracious enough to leave his wishes for how he wanted his body to be dealt with.

The death toll stands at 12 but may go even higher since 3 more students are in grave condition.

The gun control crowd would have us believe this is a nexus for tougher gun laws. Really? Well "riddle me this, Batman"; how is it that this could happen with the strict gun laws they have in place in RIO DE JANEIRO?

Here is what the Arizona Daily Star reports about gun laws there:

"Brazil already has strict gun laws. A 2003 law sharply limited who could legally purchase firearms and carry guns on the street. Anyone wanting to buy a gun must be at least 25, pass a psychological test, prove they need the weapon, have no criminal record, and provide proof that they attended courses on handling guns."

So how did the shooter do this? Surely he complied with all of the above; it's the law. Are we to believe gun laws only effect the law-abiding and that perhaps criminals, (who are the ones we need to worry about) don't give a damn about all of the laws that prevent the rest of us from defending our families and ourselves? It's a rhetorical question. The answer is, "YES".

It's time we see all of those who would impose strict gun laws on law-abiding citizens for what they are -- naive.

This tragedy clearly shows why gun laws don't work. CRIMINALS AND WHACK JOBS DON'T OBEY THE LAW! It's part of the job description. Make no mistake, the gun law proponents will eroneously try to use this tragedy as a nexus for the need for more gun laws. Yes, yes, I know that makes no sense but we aren't dealing with logical people. We're dealing with morons, many of whom own a gun for themselves but think you shouldn't. They're elitists and believe in their own mind that they can be trusted but you can't. The list of anti-gun celebrities and politicians who say you shouldn't have a gun but they have one or have armed bodyguards is too long to mention here.

We must fight any and all attempts to use tragedies like this and like the one in Tucson, AZ as showing the need for more gun laws. GUN LAWS DON'T DETER CRIMINALS AND CRAZIES.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

More proof our borders are safer than ever

It was just reported that a mass grave containing 72 bodies in a border town near the Texas border has been found.

How can this be? Our Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano keeps telling us these stories are exagerations and we need to stop pepetuating the myth that the border is unsafe. She told us, with a straight face I might add that the borders are safer than ever.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

--Inigo Montoya from the movie, The Princess Bride


So you think socialized medicine is a good idea

The following is from Vision2America, a web site emailed to me:

It’s a bit like a supermarket manager dying of starvation or a bottled-water distributor dying of thirst: In the U.K., a former National Health Service (NHS) director died while waiting for medical care — at her own hospital. The Daily Mail reports:

Margaret Hutchon, a former mayor, had been waiting since last June for a follow-up stomach operation at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.

But her appointments to go under the knife were cancelled four times and she barely regained consciousness after finally having surgery.

Her devastated husband, Jim, is now demanding answers from Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust — the organisation where his wife had served as a non-executive member of the board of directors.

He said: "I don't really know why she died. I did not get a reason from the hospital. We all want to know for closure. She got weaker and weaker as she waited and operations were put off."

Not to be cruel, but the reason is simple.

It’s called government-run health care.

Source: Click Here for Full Story


You can tell a lot about a person by how they view our military

You can tell a lot about someone by the way they view our military

Let me be clear, there is a difference between the rank and file versus the leadership in Washington. Although I may see the average rank and file Democrat as misguided and ill-informed, I don’t see them as inherently evil. The Democrat leadership, on the other hand, I do see as inherently evil. I would offer Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid and Obama as examples.

I was raised a Democrat but managed to think for myself and didn’t follow the path of actually believing the Democrat rhetoric and mantra of, “The Democrats are for the poor man and the Republicans are for the rich man.” In fact I believe that statement to be patently false.

The Republican leadership has always preached less government and enabling everyone – rich and poor alike, to achieve their dreams. The Democrat leadership, on the other hand believes you’re too stupid to make it on your own and you need the government (and specifically them) to make it.

What I see today is the dope-smoking hippies of the 60s (my era) now running the country; into the ground and up the access ramp to hell to be specific. They still believe that they are entitled to whatever you have. You know, “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.”

I remember how to this day I get annoyed at an old song from the 70s by a group called the 5-man-electrical band. That band and the band that covered the song sang, “…so I jumped on the fence and yelled to the house, HEY, what gives you the right to put up a sign to keep me out or to keep mother nature in!”

I’ll tell you what gives them the right, they worked their ass off to pay for the house and you didn’t. If you want your own house so you can go out and put up a ‘no trespassing’ sign, go out and get a job and earn it! Those who haven’t earned something generally don’t have any pride or interest in preserving it.

Our military men and women have earned our respect. They don’t demand it but they have earned it.

Our military men and women and their families have been treated as second class throw-aways who are expendable by the current Democrat administration. I’m disgusted!

It’s important to remember that until recently the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House. They were charged with providing a budget for the nation. They not only didn’t provide one, they didn’t even attempt to provide one. Now after spending more money – our money to a tune that is greater than all money spent between 1776 and 2005 they want to continue on this trend. They have what it takes to take what you have – just like the hippy on the fence yelling to the house.

These hypocrites who would want us to believe they are right down there with us are filthy rich. Their are more millionaire Democrats than Republicans in Washington, D.C. but they still want you to believe they are poor and struggling.

We were just faced with a budget battle that pitted a Republican Congress who wanted to put the brakes on this wild spending and reduce the budget by $100 billion against a Democrat leadership who not only didn’t want to reduce spending but actually wanted to increase spending, i.e. business-as-usual.

One of the things at the heart of this debate was whether our military was going to be paid or not. We have faced budget showdowns before but never has a President and his ilk been so inherently open with their contempt for the hard working men and women of our military and their families. They said putting a separate rider in to make sure the military was paid on time was a “distraction”. A distraction, eh?

The Republicans wanted to make sure our fine military folks were paid during this debate. The Speaker of the House said he would not take his pay until a deal was worked out. One Democrat said she would not return the money, that she had bill and student loans to pay. Like our military men and women don’t?? What arrogance! Obama and the Democrats would still be paid but decided the military men and women were just expendable nuisances for them and wouldn’t be paid on time. They aren’t fit to carry the dirty laundry of our military men and women! They disgust me.

Around 1995-’96 our government ‘shut down’, but Bill Clinton still made sure our military was paid. What has happened to us? It’s a rhetorical question. Obama and the current batch of socialist hippies who run the country is what has happened.

Recently we had a whole batch of Democrats thrown out of office in what could only be construed as a referendum. The 2012 election is coming up and we need to finish the job. We need to get rid of those selfish career politicians who are destroying our country and that includes RINOS (Republicans-in-name, only) while they get rich and continue to draw pensions after only serving one term while the rest of us have to actually earn a living and watch them take a bigger and bigger bite out of our earning to give to pet projects and to our enemies who hate our guts.

It’s time to elect folks who believe we need to live within our budget, just like you and I have to do at home and who honor our military men and women with the respect they deserve.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

More shenanigans from those peace-loving Muslim extremists

Kabul, Afghanistan – More shenanigans from those peace-loving Muslim extremists

Someone disrespected my religion so I’m going to kill and be-head you. Does that about cover it?

We have some ‘pastor’ in Florida decide to burn the Koran so those peace-loving Muslim extremists decided they would make some folks who had nothing to do with it pay.

Given that logic, am I to assume it’s ok to go be-head some Muslims in America who refer to people like me as infidels and have no qualms about burning the Holy Bible?

Please keep in mind there are people in the U.S. who are trying to demand that Shariah law be adopted in America. Honor killings would then be perfectly acceptable under the new Shariah law. Of course if you’re opposed to it you could be labeled an extremist Muslimphobe.

Let me be clear, I’m opposed to any religion that thinks it’s ok to murder and be-head people who disagree with your religion; especially when their religion is totally intolerant. I’m perfectly ok with you trying to get America to adopt your Shariah law, so long as you’re ok with Americans telling you to take a hike and go back to your country if you’re so happy with it.

Call me strange but if I were a woman and my husband beat the heck out of me under the misguided guise of religiously correct, you had damn well not go to sleep with me in the house. But that’s just me.