2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stimulus cost per job $4.4 million in L.A.

An L.A. audit of how the stimulus money has worked says the cost per job is $4.4 million! And now Obama and the White House wants more of our ('our' meaning those of us who actually work)to give up more of our taxes to go for another 'stimulus'-- just don't call it a stimulus.

The Fox News story says the $70 million in stiumus money the Los Angeles Department of Public Works received managed to create 7 private sector jobs and kept 7 people from being layed off. The cost to us taxpayers computes out to $1.5 million per job. Now there's a bang for our buck!

It's even more embarrasing for the L.A. Department of Transportation. The $40 million in stimulus money they received netted just nine jobs. That computes out to $4.4 million per job.

And to my astonishment, the morons in the White House actually want us to give them more money!

While I'm at it, how many vacations to the Obamas plan on taking on our dime? These are the folks who purport to be in touch with the American people. I haven't taken eight vacations this year. I can't afford to. Can you? Can we afford to have these clowns in office for another term? It's a rhetorical question. Imagine how the media would report it if this were George Bush taking all these vacations and recklessly spending money like Obama.

You need to go out, nay, run, do it on-line or whatever the fastest means is and register to vote if you aren't already registered. We need to vote these treasonous (and I mean that in the nicest possible way) crooks out of office. They have shown they will put their own wealth and ambitions ahead of the welfare of this great nation and the people. Their greed and ambition has blinded them and it has been the ultimate aphrodisiac for them.

Friday, September 10, 2010

911 comments by Bernie

By Bernie

September 10, 2010

As I sit at my desk on the eve of the worst disaster in American history I’m compelled to comment.

An estimated 2147 people died in the attacks, counting the 147 people on the planes.

These were Muslim fanatics who carried out the attacks. Attackers who felt it was their religious duty to murder thousands of innocent people. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hindus; Muslims.

Now President Obama, a man who is quick to say America is not a Christian nation, but rather a Muslim nation. It is Obama who is committed to the building of a Muslim mosque near the scene of ground –zero. He claims it’s because of 1’st Amendment Rights we have in this country.

Tell me, Mr. President, where is that concern for Constitutional Rights when it comes to the Rights of American people? It would seem that Rights only apply when and to whom you and your ilk say they apply. The Constitution only applies when it can be used to justify your agenda and only after you and yours have ‘interpreted’ it in the broadest of interpretations that only you could rationalize. Let’s be clear, the law means whatever you and your followers say it means – subject to change when it fits your needs.

Pretend that I’m a four-year-old and explain this to me, if you can. Why is it that you keep referring to Muslims as a peaceful people, yet you continue to lament the hatred of Americans and the death of Americans that will follow if the nut-job down in Florida burns Muslim Korans if they are truly a peaceful religion? You don’t seem to hold the Holly Bible in the same reverence as the Koran. You don’t seem concerned that Christians are going spread bloodshed among Muslims when they burn the bible.

Why is it, do you suppose Muslims don’t die in mass when they burn the Holly Bible and the American flag? It’s a rhetorical question, Mr. President; I’ll help you out. It’s because we are a peaceful and tolerant people; unlike those of the Muslim faith. Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism doesn’t require you to annihilate those who don’t agree with our faith. On the contrary, our tolerance of opposing faiths is protected under our 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The higher the percentage of Muslims in a country – the higher the percentage of violence. That isn’t racism, Mr. President; it’s a verifiable fact. Of course President Obama and the liberal media keep telling us that Obama isn't a Muslim. I've always been told that "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

England is an example of a country that has adopted your progressive ideas when it comes to Muslims. Might want to check to see how much violence that progressive policy has promulgated. We, as Americans need to stay ever-vigilant of a religion that believes it’s alright to give 99 lashes to and stone a woman to death who is accused of adultery, or believes in ‘honor’ killings, mutilating women and young girls and beheadings. Doesn’t sound quite like the ‘peaceful’ religion that I’m accustomed to.

You and your fellow so-called ‘progressives’ can keep preaching the bovine flatulence of your ‘hope and change’. Frankly, most Americans are going to show you and your ilk exactly what we have in mind for change when November comes around. Is it 2012, yet?

Equall protection under the law? Not so much.

According to an A.P. Wire story 3 mayors have been murdered by suspected drug gang hitmen in a month.

The Mexican government condemned the killing of the mayor of El Naranjo but somehow didn’t see how that was anything like the killing by the Medellin drug cartel attacked police, politicians, civilians and judges.

Really? Perhaps a reality check is in order. That is the same thing that is going on in Mexico right now and in Tucson, AZ we've had 42 murders, already this year. Wanna know what the common thread is; it’s generally gang and drug related by people with ties to Mexico.

In addition, they’re using car bombs in Mexico and the Mexican government doesn’t see this as an insurgency? Would ya like a second opinion?

These are the folks who Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D) and their ilk claim we need to be tolerent of. These people just want to come to the U.S. illegally to do those jobs that us Americans don’t want to do. Damn right we don’t! I don’t want anyone else doing those jobs here, either.

Now let’s really get your blood pressure up.
ICE has proposed a new policy that would prevent illegals from being arrested during a traffic stop. “Immigration officers should not issue detainers against an alien charged only with a traffic-related misdemeanor unless or until the alien is convicted." Funny, that's not the policy for people who live in the U.S. legally.

The following are the circumstances that an illegal alien in this country could be detained (and probably released on their own recgnance to appear in court – It could happen, I suppose).
1. they are a convicted felon;
2. they are wanted for a felony;
3. they are part of an existing investigation;
4. they were involved in an accident involving drugs or alcohol, or they fled the scene.

Can someone tell me how “in the name of Zeus’s butt” the government can pick and choose which laws they will inforce and which ones they won’t and who is and isn’t exempt? Whatever happened to that [apparently] silly notion about equal protection under the law? Apparently it depends on who you are and where you’re from.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More Kool Aid, please

Obama can't point to any positive accomplishments he's made so his Labor Day speech was one of, blame it on George Bush and the Republicans. Who knew?

He got his arrogant, smug look on his face and pretended to be cool. I say, pretended because he's anything but cool.

He lamented the fact the Republicans are the party of, "no". Thank God for that! Obama and his ilk don't want Republican input, they simply want to be able to blame their failures on the Republicans by saying, "Well, the Republicans voted for it, too."

He told the crowd of Kool Aid drinkers that if he said the sky was blue they would say, "no, it isn't." He claimed the Republicans would say it was dark if he said it was light. Here's a hint for you Barack, unlike you, we want what's best for America.

I'm glad they said, "no" to his ridiculous so-called health reform bill. I'm glad they said, "no" to wasteful spending. I'm glad they said, "no" to more of his B.S. stimulus bills that don't stimulate jobs for average Americans, only line the pockets of his cronies.

This President said he was going to bring transparency. He certainly has. He's about as transparent as you can get. He's a Chicago-type shyster who wants to rape the White House and this country for all he can get before his one term ends and he goes down in the history books as the worst American President in history.

Any wonder Democrats aren't scrambling to have Obama stump for their campaigns? They want to put as much distance between them and this buffoon as they can. They know that he's toxic to their campaigns.

So, for all of those 'progressives' who voted for Obama because they wanted to show they weren't racist -- after all, they voted for America's first black President, even if he isn't black; his mother is white and even if he had absolutely no qualifications to run the country, THANKS A LOT!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Will Mrs. Clinton be sending a letter to the U.N., again?

Let's see, we have Iran saying they will give 99 lashes to a woman convicted of adultery. At first it was believed the lashes would be in lieu of stoning to death.

Now it appears they may hang her in addition to the lashes. How gracious.

In northern Mexico a 15-year-old boy and another passenger were killed in a hail of bullets from Mexican military.

I'm certain Mrs. Clinton is drafting a letter to the U.N. as I type this article. I wonder if she will compare these two of many human rights violations, not to mention beheading, removal of limbs, mutilation of women and children as well as other forms of torture to Arizona and its passing of S.B. 1070, again.

After all, asking someone to prove residency after being stopped for a crime is just too horrific to even talk about without tearing up and getting all misty. By the way, I wonder how Mexico, Iran, North Korea and Russia deal with people crossing their borders illegally. Oh, that's right; we already know how they deal with it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The new Democrat mantra

In light of the interview on Fox News between Chris Wallace and DNC chairman and former VA governor Tim Kaine, I offer the following new mantra for the Democrat party:

"Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits."
(The Democrat mantra)

Kaine Says Democrat candidates who are trying to distance themselves from Pelosi, Reid, et al in their ads should, in stead be proud to be Democrats and what they've done. Oh, yeah, it's a proud moment for the Democrats. They've done more damage to this great nation than the Communists could hope to do in decades.