2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Will Mrs. Clinton be sending a letter to the U.N., again?

Let's see, we have Iran saying they will give 99 lashes to a woman convicted of adultery. At first it was believed the lashes would be in lieu of stoning to death.

Now it appears they may hang her in addition to the lashes. How gracious.

In northern Mexico a 15-year-old boy and another passenger were killed in a hail of bullets from Mexican military.

I'm certain Mrs. Clinton is drafting a letter to the U.N. as I type this article. I wonder if she will compare these two of many human rights violations, not to mention beheading, removal of limbs, mutilation of women and children as well as other forms of torture to Arizona and its passing of S.B. 1070, again.

After all, asking someone to prove residency after being stopped for a crime is just too horrific to even talk about without tearing up and getting all misty. By the way, I wonder how Mexico, Iran, North Korea and Russia deal with people crossing their borders illegally. Oh, that's right; we already know how they deal with it.

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