2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

But that was 2006 and this is now and now Obama is President

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." - Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

Who's going to blink first?

Who is going to blink first?

As we get closer to the President’s self imposed debt deadline of August 2nd two things are apparent; at least to me.

1. The Republicans seem to have no balls
2. The Democrats in Washington, (aside from being what I consider to be the most vile, corrupt bunch of pond scum – and I mean that in the nicest possible way) have no scruples and if they do it’s because they stole them from someone in a backroom deal somewhere.

Another thing I’ve gleaned over the years is the proclivity of people with good intentions to become corrupt after getting into office is strong.

So here is where we are in my view. The Democrats had the House and the Senate and the White House and still failed to produce a balanced budget in almost three years. It was something they weren’t interested in. They were more inclined to keep kicking the metaphorical can down the road and stay with the tried and true Democrat mantra of raising the debt limit, spending money, threatening seniors with their social security and Medicare being pulled from them and claiming the rich aren’t paying their fair share. And isn't ironic that Senator Obama, Reid, Palosi and the gang all voted against raising the debt ceiling when George Bush was President.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch the Republicans talked a good game of fiscal responsibility and giving corporations and small business owners – you know, the folks who actually hire people and cause the economy to grow tax breaks. The problem is they wet themselves every time the Democrats went for the jugular and claimed the Republicans were trying to push granny over the cliff in a wheelchair. They figured they’d better ‘compromise’ with the Democrats so they didn’t get blamed for whatever fiscal mess de jour the Democrats had gotten the nation into.

Here is a hint for you weak-bladdered Republicans in the belt way: Intelligent people know you can’t keep kicking that can down the road. Sooner or later we have to make some hard decisions or money will truly be completely out and granny, social security recipients and you are really going to be screwed. More importantly there are folks who are dumber than a box of rocks (you know the folks like the ones who voted for Obama without knowing a thing about him but wanted to in order to prove they weren’t racist; only stupid). Those folks will blame Republicans, no matter what. Deal with it and do what you were sent to Washington to do – provide some sane leadership.

This isn’t just about getting your sorry butts re-elected. It’s about the future of our country and our kids and their kid’s future. Pull your head out!

We keep hearing about the need for compromise. Compromise to the Democrats in Washington is code for give us more money to piss away and they can claim, “Well, the Republicans voted for it to.” It’s always been that way. Why look surprised when it happens every time?

I personally will vote for a principled candidate who perhaps made an unpopular (with the Democrats and morons) vote than some spineless one who tried to hide behind compromise. When you’re right you don’t compromise – you make your case and lead (there’s that term again) the other side and the American people to understand why it’s the right (no pun) thing to do. And if that doesn’t work, you can always follow Nancy Palosi’s lead and claim we have to “pass this bill so we can see what’s in it.” That’s how we got Obama care.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not all cops are professional.

Their are good cops. Others, not so much. I received this from Ken Reineer of GOAZ (Gun Owner of AZ). It shows a cop from Ohio behaving in a VERY unprofessional and reckless manner while projecting this stupid reckless behavior toward the driver who has a legitimate CCW concealed carry permit.

He tells everyone to shut up and not say a word and then finally approaches the driver after over five minutes and goes ballistic after telling the driver he's required to immediately notify the officer that he has a permit. Had the now suspended cop not been such an ass on a power trip he would have known. The driver was trying to notify him.

This video is from Wednesday, July 20th, 2011. It's raw video (as is the language of the cop) and is over 16 minutes long but VERY educational.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cops don't lie

I have good friends who are great cops. That doesn't mean all cops and prosecutors are, though. I've been writing a book on just how corrupt some can be, based on my own documented personal experience.

But here is a story I'd suggest you check out if you're one of those who believe cops don't lie.
Thank God all cops aren't like the ones in this story.


Charlie has suddenly found religion

Congressman Charles Rangel, D-NY has decided to bring Jesus into the debt crisis.

Let's begin by asking Charlie who's fault we're in this debt crisis. It was Charlie Rangel, Barack Obama, Nancy Palosi, et al who were suppose to provide a balanced budget over two years ago! They had the House, the Senate AND the White House; yet they opted to "kick the can down the road" (a favorite term of theirs lately).

Now Obama and his ilk, with the help of liberal talking heads want to look to the Republicans and say, "If not now, when?" Indeed, Barry. What they want is for Republicans to 'compromise' (code for come on board so we can point to Republicans like they did the time Ronald Reagan fell for it) and say, "see, they voted for it, too.

But getting back to Charlie Rangel, wasn't it Charlie who was nailed on a whole plethora of ethics violations and evaded paying taxes? Rangel is quoted as saying, "You know all of this is biblical. If you read your bibles and your read the spiritual scriptures you will see that clearly Jesus would have something to say about this debate." Hey, Charlie, Jesus is also quoted as saying, "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's..." Try paying your own taxes and quit tyring to invoke (exploit) Jesus into your mess you helped create.

Isn't it ironic the left, who the Democrat leadership continues to lecture us on separation of church and State want to bring religion into the debate when it suits them.

"shared sacrifice" Obama style

A bit of sarcasm that the Obama's might have been thinking in the back of their mind. Remember Obama said we all have to "share the sacrifice". Here are some of the sacrifices they've been making.

Dear American Taxpayer

For only the second time in my adult life, I am not ashamed of my country. I want to thank the hard working American people for paying $242 thousand dollars for my vacation in Spain.

My daughter Sasha, several long-time family friends, my personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time. Honestly, you just haven't lived until you have stayed in a $2,500.00 per night private 3-story villa at a 5-Star luxury hotel.

Thank you also for the use of Air Force Two and the 70 Secret Service personnel who tagged along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times. By the way, if you happen to be visiting the Costa del Sol, I highly recommend the Buenaventura Plaza restaurant in Marbella; great lobster with rice and oysters! I'm ashamed to admit the lobsters we ate in Martha's Vineyard were not quite as tasty, but what can you do if you're not in Europe, you have to just grin and bear it?

Air Force Two (which costs $11,351 per hour to operate according to Government Accounting Office reports) only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. These are only rough estimates, but they are close. That's quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore would say, so we must ask the American citizens to drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars and drive less too, so we can lessen our combined carbon footprint.

I know times are hard and millions of you are struggling to put food on the table and trying to make ends meet. So I do appreciate your sacrifices and do hope you find work soon.

I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on a luxury vacation in Maine a few weeks ago. I just had to get away for a few days.


Michelle (Moochelle) Obama

P.S. Thank you as well for the $2 BILLION dollar trip to India from which we just returned!

P.SS. Thank you, too, for that vacation trip to Martha's Vineyard; it was fabulous. And thanks for that second smaller jet that took our dog Bo to Martha's Vineyard so we and the children could have him with us while we were away from the White House for eleven days. After all, we couldn't take him on Air Force One because he might pee on some wires or something.

P.SSS. Oh, I almost forgot to say thanks also for our two-week trip to Hawaii at Christmas. That 7,000 square foot house was great!

The figures are not in just yet on my recent trip to So. Africa and beyond with my 2 kids, niece, nephew, &, of course, my mother. Had a great time...gathered lots of quality culture...

Love ya!­ Remember we all have to share the pain of these economic times equally! Love to -redistribute- share- the wealth.

By the way, The president, who said the rest of us are going to have to sacrifice to get
out of these hard economic times, let his dog fly on his own plane.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Are the rich not paying their fair share?

Are the ‘rich’ screwing the rest of us when it comes to paying taxes?

I realize that there are people whose minds are made up and they don’t want to be confused by the facts, but here goes.

Although the wealthiest 1% earn only 19% of the income they pay 37% of all income taxes. The top 10% pay 68% of all taxes paid. And the bottom 50% earns 13% of all income but only pay 3% of the taxes.

If my math is correct that means the bottom 50% pay almost nothing, yet collect most of the entitlements.

Do big corporations get tax breaks? Hell, yes. They are the job creators. Ever been hired by a poor person? Obama keeps talking about jet owners and oil corporations getting tax breaks. Oddly he never mentions corporations like GE who pay diddly squat.

Quit buying into class envy and thinking anyone who makes a dollar a year more than you is ‘the rich’. Be thankful there are corporations out there who hire. With unemployment at 9.2 we need all the jobs we can get. By the way, it was only about 7% when Obama took office. Home values were much higher when he took office, too. Of course like any small child who doesn’t want to take blame for his failures, the President want to continue blaming it all on George Bush. No, Mr. President, you own this one. It was your policies that created this mess and it was you who claimed you were going to fix it all. Until the recent mid-term elections the Democrats owned the House, the Senate and the White House. Republicans couldn’t stop any of your failed policies. They didn’t have the votes. Y O U O W N IT.

The up side of all this is Jimmy Carter must be pleased that he’s no longer the worst President in American history.

From the folks who brought us Fast & Furious

The folks who brought us Fast and Furious want tighter gun laws… for us

From the Ripley’s Believe it or not file we bring you the following:

Rahm Emanuel was quoted as saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste". So now the folks who brought us ‘Fast and Furious’, the ludicrous lame brained failure where the ATF and perhaps the FBI and DEA intentionally allowed firearms, incl. high end high powered rifles to fall into the hands of the Mexican drug cartel want tough gun laws for the rest of us law-abiding folks. At least two of those firearms were allegedly used to murder Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry.

How much did this stupid failure cost us; aside from the obvious, Brian Terry’s life? Well, originally it was though to be about $10.5 million. Turns out if you add it all up it’s more like $53.5 million of our tax dollars. I would ask the rhetorical question, how stupid can these people be but apparently they’re goal-oriented and I don’t want to give them anything to shoot for, (pardon the pun).

But I digress. After concocting this ill-conceived piece of stupidity of epic proportions they now want to use the shooting that took place in Tucson on January 8th as a nexus for these new proposed gun laws.

Obama wrote a piece in the local Tucson rag, the Arizona Daily Star, “Most gun-control advocates know that most gun owners are responsible citizens. Most gun owners know that the word ‘commonsense’ isn’t a code word for ‘confiscation’.”

Let’s take this one point at a time. I agree with the President when he says “Most gun-control advocates know that most gun owners are responsible citizens.” Damn right Mr. President, we are responsible citizens. It’s a pity ATF has been shown to be anything but responsible. Irresponsible doesn’t even begin to cover their actions. And now they want to take the high ground in this debate? Surely you jest. May I remind you that ATF comes under Attorney General Eric Holder who works for you, Mr. President?

Oh and about most gun owners knowing that the word ‘commonsense’ not being a code word for ‘confiscation’… as always, you are wrong. We know for fact that’s exactly what you have in mind.

If you’re concerned with our safety I would start with taking money to allow guns to intentionally fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels away from ATF. Giving them money is clearly akin to giving a bottle of whiskey to an alcoholic.

Responsible gun owners are tired of watching the government make fools of themselves while proposing more ‘commonsense’ gun laws for us. By the way, would you like to see the video of the agent who shot himself in the leg with a .40 cal. Glock handgun while explaining to the school children that he was the only one qualified to handle one? Some of the poor children are probably still wearing a colostomy bag after that one.

Responsible gun owners also know that criminals don’t care about any of your gun laws. Do you really believe that someone who is willing to murder would be concerned about one more gun law? Either you are all morons or you think we are.

Stop blowing smoke up our tail and trying to act like this isn’t about confiscation. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, odds are it’s duck. And this is about confiscation. Thanks, but no thanks.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Who is at fault?

Who’s at fault?

The Democrats want tax hikes for ‘the rich’ (how unlike them to use that tired class envy argument) and the Republicans, for now are saying “no way; give us spending cuts.”

Obama took presumably took his golf shoes off long enough to chastise Republicans and say, “I’ve been here, where are you?” Let’s set the record straight.

First and foremost ‘rich’ people create jobs – not poor people. Poor people do not hire. Obama’s policies have been a miserable failure and it isn’t even arguable. Of course he claims it’s just because he needs more stimulus money to make it work and he needs to take more money from the rich. Keep in mind he now is the rich and has no intentions of giving up any of his own money – just yours.

The Democrats were supposed to have a balanced budget two years ago when they had the House, the Senate and the White House and failed to do so! They chose instead to keep kicking the can down the road. Now they’re out of road and want to keep raising the debt limit and claim the economy is the fault of the Republicans. Sorry Barry, you own this one. The Republicans haven’t had the votes to stop any of your assaults on America and the Economy. This mess is all yours.

The options are to either Liberal business-as-usual; raise taxes and claim the rich are making too much while the national debt sinks deeper in the abyss and blame it on the Republicans because they won’t let you have more money to piss away on schemes that don’t work –OR- finally reduce spending and lower taxes, a tried and true method of stimulating growth.

Of course Obama is above the entire fray and wants to tell all of us how his daughter’s get their homework done on time and the Congress needs to do the same. That is code for, “You Republicans need to play fair and give me more money to waste and make a bad situation worse. Oh, and by the way, when it makes things worse we’ll tell everyone how you Republicans voted for it, too.”

This President can’t stop golfing and taking vacations long enough to lead. The only thing he’s leading is the American public down the elevator to hell. The sad thing is there will still be stupid people who will vote for him again, either because they are ideologues who would rather vote for their guy than common sense, because he’s our ‘first black President’, which he isn’t – his mother was white or because they are just patently stupid and think Obama is some modern day Robin Hood who is going to take from the rich (Obama excluded, of course) and give to them.

Wake up folks. Educate yourself and vote intelligently.

Is Gold Really a Good Investment?


You can’t turn on the television these days without seeing a commercial reminding you of the obvious – the economy is going down the toilet and you need to invest in gold to protect yourself from inflation.

I’m not a financial advisor – Can’t even claim that I once played one. I’m merely thinking aloud (or on paper) and submitting what I’m wondering about. Perhaps some of you investment gurus can offer your point of view on the subject.

I digress. Each time I hear the gold pundits expose the need for me to invest in gold I’m reminded of what happened on April 5, 1933, by then President (and darling of the Democrats), Franklin D. Roosevelt. For those of you like me who weren’t actually around at the time, he signed an executive order “forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates within the Continental United States”. It criminalized the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.

The justification given was times were hard and the stalled economy was getting worse, ergo Lord Roosevelt decided you couldn’t own gold. U.S. citizens were required to deliver their gold to the Federal Reserve on or before May 1, 1933 – less than 30 days after the signing of the order. You would be given $20.67 per troy ounce in exchange.

What happened if you decided the government couldn’t do that to you and you refused? You would be charged under the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, as amended on March 9, 1933 and would be subject of a penalty of up to $10,000 (which would equate to adjusted amount of about $167,000. by today’s figures) or up to ten years in prison, or both. Most folks who were in a position to own a lot of gold simply transferred it into Swiss bank accounts.

Oddly enough there is a thought in the back of my mind that says the current occupant of the White House and his ilk have shown there is nothing off-the-table when it comes to bending or breaking the law when it comes to acting like a dictator.

Take his recent taping of a fund raising commercial in the map room of the White House to raffle $5.00 tickets to have dinner with V.P. Joe Biden. Are you kidding me! That would be funnier than going to the Improve Comedy Club. It’s hard to say what Ol’ Joe would say. Although the Constitution says you can’t use the White House for anything other than official business and the map room is for official business, only, the ‘coolest’ Prez ever has deemed it’s ok because it’s in the residential portion of the People’s House.

The economy is in shambles, the prognosis is anything but good, unemployment is over nine percent (and much worse in the areas of the country ran by Liberals) and I have no doubt in my mind that this President wouldn’t blink twice at pulling an FDR on us. But that’s just me.