2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Charlie has suddenly found religion

Congressman Charles Rangel, D-NY has decided to bring Jesus into the debt crisis.

Let's begin by asking Charlie who's fault we're in this debt crisis. It was Charlie Rangel, Barack Obama, Nancy Palosi, et al who were suppose to provide a balanced budget over two years ago! They had the House, the Senate AND the White House; yet they opted to "kick the can down the road" (a favorite term of theirs lately).

Now Obama and his ilk, with the help of liberal talking heads want to look to the Republicans and say, "If not now, when?" Indeed, Barry. What they want is for Republicans to 'compromise' (code for come on board so we can point to Republicans like they did the time Ronald Reagan fell for it) and say, "see, they voted for it, too.

But getting back to Charlie Rangel, wasn't it Charlie who was nailed on a whole plethora of ethics violations and evaded paying taxes? Rangel is quoted as saying, "You know all of this is biblical. If you read your bibles and your read the spiritual scriptures you will see that clearly Jesus would have something to say about this debate." Hey, Charlie, Jesus is also quoted as saying, "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's..." Try paying your own taxes and quit tyring to invoke (exploit) Jesus into your mess you helped create.

Isn't it ironic the left, who the Democrat leadership continues to lecture us on separation of church and State want to bring religion into the debate when it suits them.

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