2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Was Fraud Used In Indiana County To Get Obama On The Ballot?

There are some folks in a Indiana county that are more than a bit peeved to find out their signatures were forged on a petition to get Obama on the ballot.

Seems St. Joseph County Board of Voter Registration worker Dustin Blythe has been identified as having identical handwriting to the forged signatures.

When asked about the fact the signatures were forged and the handwriting matched his, Blythe said, "No comment."

There is no doubt in my mind that the 2008 Presidential election was the most corrupt in American history.

Quote Of The Day

Dennis Miller clearly gets my vote for quote of the day.

While on Fox's O'Reilly Factor, Miller quipped, "Rod Blagojevich got 14 years in the big house for doing the same thing that Obama got 4 years in the White House for doing."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

NAACP Claims Minority Vote Is Being Suppressed

NAACP Claims Minority Vote Is Being Suppressed In Upcoming Election

The nation’s largest civil rights organization is claiming foul and it’s taking its case to the United Nations. I guess “There ain’t no cure for the summertime blues” when it comes to the NAACP.

As Rush Limbaugh says, “It should be called the NAALCP – The National Association of LIBERAL colored people.” Why is that, you ask? Because they only defend LIBERAL black – not Conservative blacks. We saw how the NAACP took Conservative blacks like Clearance Thomas and Herman Cain to task. They were accused of being sellouts and “Uncle Toms”.

The NAACP claims individual states in the U.S. are making a concerted effort to prevent the black vote from getting out in the upcoming 2012 Presidential election, citing a whole plethora of new voting laws at the state level. They say 14 states passed 25 measures “designed to restrict or limit the ballot access of voters of color.”

So, what are these new proposed draconian laws and how will they prevent ‘voters of color’ from voting? The proposed laws, largely passed by Republican-dominated legislatures include such egregious things as requirement to present photo ID at the polls, voting restrictions of felons and limitations on registration and early voting periods.

Why, those are the same regulations that the rest of us are subjected to! That’s not fair! Those bastards!

Does anyone remember how Al Franken was elected? I’ll refresh your memory. Ultra Liberal Al Franken demanded a recount of the votes. The recount went on for months. Every time they would recount the votes, Franken would amazingly get more votes and his opponent, Coleman, wouldn’t. Statistically realistic? Not so much.

Anyway, Franken eeked ahead of Coleman and was declared the winner and sworn in just prior to a critical vote needed by the Democrats. Oh, by-the-way, it was later determined that Franken really wasn’t the winner because he was pushed over by a number of felon voters who weren’t eligible to vote. They said it was tough, though because he’d already been sworn in.

How ‘bout the shenanigans of ACORN? Voter fraud, you ask? Just a LOT! How about voter intimidation at polling places by members of the New Black Panther movement? Well, sure, but it was important to make sure America’s ‘first black President’ was elected. BTW, his mother is white. Like, OMG!, as they say in texting vernacular.

Of course our U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder refuses to prosecute those members of the New Black Panther Movement for standing outside a polling place, openly holding night sticks in their hands, intimidating voters going into the poling place. Eric Holder has a track record of not prosecuting a number of folks that he believes to be for the betterment of our current administration. He allegedly claims that he is black, first and U.S. Attorney General, second. If he believes that way, he’s certainly convinced me.

Well the NAACP is certainly not going to stand for such measures. They intend on arguing their case before the UN. Guys, I have a news flash for you… The UN has no authority over individual states in the U.S.; at least not yet. Obama and the Dems would like to change that, however. You see they want to change any and all rules to keep them in power, without regard to consequences.

I liken them to a collaborator in war. They think they will be looked upon favorably if anything bad happens. Of course nothing bad could happen as long as they keep those dumb ol’ Republicans out of office. And Obama will be re-elected because he has his record to run on. Wait, maybe the Dems do have a problem, after all.