2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Equall protection under the law? Not so much.

According to an A.P. Wire story 3 mayors have been murdered by suspected drug gang hitmen in a month.

The Mexican government condemned the killing of the mayor of El Naranjo but somehow didn’t see how that was anything like the killing by the Medellin drug cartel attacked police, politicians, civilians and judges.

Really? Perhaps a reality check is in order. That is the same thing that is going on in Mexico right now and in Tucson, AZ we've had 42 murders, already this year. Wanna know what the common thread is; it’s generally gang and drug related by people with ties to Mexico.

In addition, they’re using car bombs in Mexico and the Mexican government doesn’t see this as an insurgency? Would ya like a second opinion?

These are the folks who Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D) and their ilk claim we need to be tolerent of. These people just want to come to the U.S. illegally to do those jobs that us Americans don’t want to do. Damn right we don’t! I don’t want anyone else doing those jobs here, either.

Now let’s really get your blood pressure up.
ICE has proposed a new policy that would prevent illegals from being arrested during a traffic stop. “Immigration officers should not issue detainers against an alien charged only with a traffic-related misdemeanor unless or until the alien is convicted." Funny, that's not the policy for people who live in the U.S. legally.

The following are the circumstances that an illegal alien in this country could be detained (and probably released on their own recgnance to appear in court – It could happen, I suppose).
1. they are a convicted felon;
2. they are wanted for a felony;
3. they are part of an existing investigation;
4. they were involved in an accident involving drugs or alcohol, or they fled the scene.

Can someone tell me how “in the name of Zeus’s butt” the government can pick and choose which laws they will inforce and which ones they won’t and who is and isn’t exempt? Whatever happened to that [apparently] silly notion about equal protection under the law? Apparently it depends on who you are and where you’re from.

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