2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's the real motive?

The fact Obama lies every time he speaks (lectures) to the American public isn’t arguable.

The latest example was the White House begging the S&P to not release figures showing America is about to lose it’s stellar credit rating, thanks to his policies. Despite Obama trying to play it off and suggest all was well in Gotham, the S&P revealed a picture quite different.

We also had the interview in Texas recently. When asked by the interviewer why Obama thought he was so unpopular in Texas Obama responded by saying Texas was a Conservative state and he only lost by a couple of points. The interviewer corrected him by saying he lost by 11 points.

Despite reports to the contrary by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that Obama care was actually going to cost us more, Obama continues to claim otherwise.

In a recent address Obama tried to tie the collapse of a bridge in Minnesota to Bush budget policies – knowing full well that the bridge collapsed because of a design flaw and had nothing to do with Bush economic policies.

In a recent Face Book town hall an individual asked what the President could do about helping his family buy a home. Rather than correctly tell the individual, “Me and my cronies like Christopher Dodd, Charlie Rangel, et al have screwed things up so badly that it’s laughable that you would even ask such a stupid question; you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of purchasing a home now.”, he simply suggested that they rent, instead.

Obama recently told a group of his groupies that we shouldn’t use coal as an energy source “…because as we all know, coal causes asthma.” That’s non-sense. Coal does not cause asthma.

His idea for those who complain of high gasoline prices is to, “get a tune up and make sure your tire pressure is correct.” Unless you are driving a relic, lack of carburetors on most cars today precludes tune-ups. Correcting the tire pressure will help your tires last longer but the impact on your gas mileage is negligible.

The President knows that federal budgets can legally only be projected for 10 years. Yet, in an effort to make his budget seem to be in line with Eric Cantor and the GOP’s budget he claimed his budget would save $4 trillion over the next 12 years. Just a bit of slight- of- hand. The fact is his budget would only reduce a little over $2 trillion over the next 10 years.

Not long after his so-called stimulus went into effect he claimed fictional jobs that he supposedly created in Congressional districts in Arizona that don’t even exist. He was probably thinking of jobs he created in our 57th state that he spoke of.

The fact of the matter is I haven’t even scratched the surface of the bravo sierra this President has spewed. You can always tell when he’s lying because his lips are moving.

Knowing that he is a flim-flam man who makes used car salesman look honest makes me wonder what his real agenda is – aside from the obvious – wealth distribution.

He says people like him in his tax bracket need to pay more in taxes, even though he paid far less than he would have us believe.

Where is the transparency he spoke of when he was candidate Obama? Where is the turn-around in the economy he promised? OK, I’ll give him that one. There has been a dramatic turn around in the economy. It just wasn’t for the better. Our economy is a disaster and he and his ilk want to continue spending money we don’t have.

I don’t have the band-width to address all of the lies this President has told. He has shown he will say whatever he thinks he has to in order to get re-elected. He’s never left campaign mode. He says he needs more than one term to finish the job. He means to finish the U.S. off, once and for all! If he’s done this much damage in two years, one can only imagine what he can do with a second term; certainly more than the Communists could have ever hoped to have achieved in decades.

We need to make sure Obama is a one-term President. Keep in mind he’s trying to get amnesty for illegals (undocumented Democrats) to insure that end. And let’s not forget the ACORN policy of, ‘vote early and vote often’. These people are crooks. There is no other way of sugar-coating it.

If Obama truly is the smartest man in America, as we're being lead to believe, we have to assume that he believes all of us are the stupidist people on the planet. Not all of us, Mr. President, just the ones who voted for you and are Kool Aid drinkers who refuse to admit they screwed up.

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