2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Arizona wildfires linked to illegal immigrants

According to a Capitol Media Services story by Howard Fischer, "nearly 40% percent of wildfires on federal land in Southern Arizona" were caused by illegal border crossers. Who knew?

There are other fires that haven't been investigated yet which could cause the number of the 30 out of 77 fires to go even higher.

I remember a few months ago when Senator John McCain was criticized for suggesting such a thing. Looks like he knew what he was talking about after all.

Yep, "Just doing those jobs us Americans don't want to do".

There are many fine people in the U.S. who immigrated from other countries, including Mexico. I have to believe these folks are as upset with this kind of behavior as I am. Not everyone here from other countries condone this kind of behavior. Not everyone who is of Mexican decent is flying a U.S. flag upside down or burning it, either. Unfortunately those people who do are the ones who get the press.

My advice would be to get out of the U.S. if you think your country is better. But that's just me.

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