2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Are illegals above the law?

Jamar Younger Arizona Daily Star | Posted: Sunday, May 2, 2010 12:00 am
“Three suspected illegal immigrants were in custody Saturday as "persons of interest" in the shooting of a Pinal County deputy near Casa Grande, authorities said.”

That story isn’t an anomaly; it’s the norm in Arizona, yet I just watched former Arizona governor Janet Napalitano look into the camera on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and say things are better and the border has never been safer. Are you smoking crack, Janet?

I live in Arizona and I see the effects of a border unchecked. I don’t have to listen to the bravo sierra of Janet Napolitano to know what the negative effects are.
How about the re fried beans smeared into the shape of a swastika or the water bottles thrown at police at protests in Phoenix, AZ? Apparently it was no big deal to our lame-stream media. I can tell you that if the Tea Party folks would have done anything even close to this they would have been short-stroking that story and saying this just shows what kind of people the Tea Party folks are. The Democrats and talking heads would have been having a field day.
We didn’t see this though, did we?

As we look at the protest marches there is no shortage of Mexican flags and people pumping their fists in the air. How would the Mexican government handle this if it were Americans were waving American flags and pumping their fists in the air while protesting? That’s a rehetorical question. We already know the answer. We wouldn’t be coddled like Mexicans are here in America.

They even have an Arizona Congressman aiding and abetting them. Raul Grijalva (D) has asked for a boycott of Arizona. Of course Grijalva has always shown he wants an open border and wants to accuse anyone who presents crime statistics of illegals committing violent crime in the U.S. as racists. It's a diversion from the real issue. If you find yourself defending yourself against charges of racism then you won't have time to show the actual statistics and shut those using the race card down. They'll just keep running that play through so long as it works. They shout about profiling and people being stopped because they "look like an illegal".

The Arizona law simply mirrors current federal law and police can't pull someone over unless they have probable cause to believe they are here illegally. Also, it has to be a secondary offense -- there has to have already been a primary reason for the stop. Also, if the federal government would have been doing their job all along there would have been no need for S.B 1070.

Think the claims about so-called anchor babies is an exageration? You can verify through Snopes that in 2006 70% of babies born in Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas were to illegals. 11,200 in one year, alone! I think we can assume the situation hasn't subsided.

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