2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

More of Obama's 'transparency'

A FoxNews article reports on Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer removing die-hard AZ Attorney General from the legal issue surrounding S.B. 1070; the immigration law.

"Brewer's decision came after Justice Department officials met with Goddard -- a Democrat who will likely challenge Brewer, a Republican, in her re-election bid -- before meeting with her legal team."

Please don't seem so surprised, Jan. This administration, as well as Terry Goddard and the rest of the open-border Dems see the illegals as undocumented Democrats at this time and will do everything they can to prostitute themselves out in the name of partisan politics; the nation be damned.

This is yet one more example of this administration's idea of 'transparency'. But then we can always tell when the White House is about to tell another lie -- there lips are moving.

As for flaming anti-gun liberal Terry Goddard, this is right down his alley.

As for Obama and the rest of his Chicagoesque cronies, prepare to reap the whirlwind when election time gets here. Your days are numbered.

When Obama, Reid, Pelosi, et al keep talking about this administration being the most transparent I'm reminded of a line from the movie, The Princess Bride: "I do not believe this word means what you think it means."

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