2nd Amendment for Dummies

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

From the town that gave us ACORN

Dirty Politics From Chicago, Again? Who Knew?

Once again it appears that bastion of forthrightness is at it, again.
In tactics reminiscent of ACORN, HOPE, a not-for-profit organization in Chicago is accused of paying people to attend protests that backed the closing of public schools. Can I just say this isn’t exactly shocking news? Chicago has pretty much been the gold-standard when it comes to dishonesty and crooked politics. The fact isn’t arguable. They have given us a long list of examples of less-than-stellar individuals including, dare I say it? I must, I must; Obama, ‘Blago’, Mayor Dailey and a list of names too long to mention. The only true way of determining if a person is dead is to find them registered as a Democrat in Chicago.

Two men claimed they were offered money and provided signs with no idea what they were actually protesting. Sound familiar? It should. It’s the same tactics ACORN used when getting signatures to vote for Obama. Remember their motto… ‘Vote early and vote often’.

To add insult to injury one of the men said they didn’t pay him his other $25.00. I can’t believe he was surprised. They were dealing with Chicago community organizers, after all.

Both men told the Chicago Sun-Times they had no idea what the rally was about but they were promised money to show up and weren’t told till the last minute what it would be for.

Thaddeus Scott said he was promised $50.00 to speak at the rally. He claimed he was stiffed out of $25.00 but doesn’t even want their ‘dirty money’, now that he knows what it was all about.

Of course the Rev. Roosevelt Watkins III of HOPE has a little different take. He says Scott wasn’t given the other $25.00 because he publicly revealed that he was compensated for speaking at the hearing. Why the audacity of Thaddeus to stoop to the level of being honest! I’m appalled!

The Rev says he was paying them money to attend “training”. Well, that’s more like it. For a moment there I thought he was being deceptive. Watkins told the Chicago Sun-Times, “What we do – so you can hear it from the horse’s mouth (somehow it was the other end of the horse that came to mind when I read this story) is we provide training because we engage community activists (there’s that term, again) to participate in things such as health care, affordable housing, safety. Those things. So we do training on community organizing.”

Where have we heard that term, ‘community organizing’ before? Oh, yes, Obama and ACORN. Wonder where HOPE gets their money to pay the ‘community organizers’.

Why am I asking – This is Chicago?

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