2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The guy has no shame

Obama’s speech summarized

If you opted not to suffer through the bovine flatulence of Obama’s campaign speech, thinly disguised as a ‘State of the Union’ speech, I’ll summarize it for you.

Everything that he and his cronies have done to destroy this great nation and the economy was somehow blamed on Republicans. Like the Wizard of OZ Obama wants us to ignore what we know to be true – what we’ve watched him do and just, “Ignore that man behind the curtain!”

He railed about companies moving overseas and outsourcing jobs overseas. Yet, this President has done exactly that.

His catch phrase for the evening was, “Send me that bill and I’ll sign it right now.” Of course he will, so long as it serves to weaken America.

I love the one where he said, “Send me a bill that creates jobs.” Why? He’s had several bills that would do just that but he wants no part of it. His idea of creating jobs is to appoint another czar who goes through no form vetting and has no accountability.

Naturally, he had his cronies who clapped at everything he said – especially when he spoke of irresponsible banks who gave bad loans. No excuses and no bailouts, he claims.
He informed his groupies that those days are over!

It was his ilk who caused this mess. Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Charlie Rangle are just a few names that come to mind. If I may be so crass… Obama could have farted and said, “pull my finger” and they would have gave their rock star a standing ovation.

He says he will hold those accountable who used fraud in the mortgage mess. He will need go no further than most of the members of his own Cabinet and his cronies.

I could go on but you get the picture. This was nothing short of a campaign speech filled with incredible lies and rhetoric. He says, “The American people know what the truth is.” Exactly, but he refuses to listen because he knows more than us.

Obama needs to be a one-term President. Vote in November to see that he is.

1 comment:

chocolate rocks! said...

I can't stand watching or listening to him. Those who do it for me are nothing short of brave. Love your posts, should check in more often (should also do mine more often). As an aside - who in their right mind really thinks that man is a great orator?! Sheesh.