2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Democrat agenda

Last night I listened as 3 local Democrats discussed why they're the best candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Schools.

This was the tenor of their message:

1. There should be no tax breaks, except for public schools.
2. We should get away from AIMS testing.
3. It is the job of the Superintendent of Schools to decide what is best for our kids and we better get used to it and not question their authority, damn it!

Let's analyze what they're saying.

They don't want funding for schools, other than public schools because we don't want to have any school getting funding that isn't a bastion of liberal indoctrination.

We need to get away from AIMS testing because it doesn't allow for little Johnny to be rewarded for saying 2+2 = 7. We don't want to hurt little Johnny's feeling by telling him he's wrong and work with him to teach him how to come to the correct answer. It's much easier to give him a hug and tell him that it's OK. Never mind he won't have a clue when he gets out in the real world and can't get a job. We can just blame it on George Bush.

As for the righteous indignation of the Democrat candidates as they ask, how dare us question their authority, it's systemic of the same arrogance we have in the rest of the Democrat party; and particularly the White House.

How much more are you willing to put up with before you put the brakes on these people? I'll be working hard to get people elected who represent our core values, not the values, or lack of, of these folks who believe the government knows best.

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