2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

State department includes Arizona in U.N. Human Rights Report

Our own State Department opted to include Obama's lawsuit against Arizona's S.B. 1070Immigration reform law as an example of how it can be an example to other countries in the world.

Oh, really? I wonder if Hillary, Obama and their ilk have noted the human rights violations of most of these countries that the State Department wants to impress.

I don't see people being beheaded in America like I do in Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Africa and other nations that Hillary and Obama want to impress. I don't see women on trial for adultery and being sentenced to public stoning, here in America.

I don't see Arizona or any other state in the nation advocating no human rights for women. I do in the countries madam Secretary wants to appease.

At what point will this President and his Cabinet, advisers and ilk quit kissing the rump of every country who violates women's rights in the name of their religion?

How long will we have to wait before the federal government does one of the few jobs it is actually charged with doing -- protecting our borders so Arizona doesn't have to do the federal government's job?

How long will it take before history shows these people for the traitors they are?

America doesn't need to, nor should they apologize to the rest of the world. When the rest of the world is hurting from natural disaster it isn't Africa, Iran or Russia who comes to their aid. It's America; yet the very countries we help continue to bad-mouth us. Now they even have help from within our own country; from our own President, no less!

Oh, and just to show how compassionate some of those other folks are who Hillary is trying to impress, Iran has opted to give 99 lashes to the woman accused of adultry instead of stoning her to death. And here we thought these other countries weren't sensitive to the human rights of their people. I stand corrected.

I no longer have the words. Help me out, here. Do you have some ideas? Is it just me? Sign on and share your thoughts.


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