2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Morons in the News

Morons in the News

As my banner states, this blog is my vehicle to vent about whatever drives me up the walls or floats my boat.

While watching coverage of the floods along the eastern coast I had to suffer through the obligatory morons who think it’s cool to continually walk back and forth behind the reporter while flashing peace signs and jumping up and down with their tongue out and their fingers in their ears while wiggling their hands. Just a thought – You don’t look cool; you look like an idiot. What a proud moment it must be to know you made a fool of yourself on national TV.

Speaking of fools…

A Mexican casino in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey was the victim of arson by gunmen. Let me correct that – the people inside the casino were the victims of arson by gunmen.

An intelligent person would perhaps be upset with the gunmen who perpetrated this attack on innocent people. We aren’t dealing with intelligent people, however. According to former Mexican President, Felipe Calderon it is the fault of firearms coming into Mexico from the U.S.

For those of you who don’t follow this, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, ATF (A carry over from prohibition days in the U.S.) spent several million dollars making sure firearms made it into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Then they used the flow of firearms into Mexico as the nexus for the need to have tougher gun controls in the U.S. Huh?? It is reported that two of those firearms were used in the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol officer. Eleven more deaths in the U.S. have been attributed to some of those firearms allowed to ‘walk’.

But I digress. El Presidente Calderon blames the attack, in part to the flow of firearms from the U.S. into Mexico. Apparently Calderon, in true anti-gun fashion fails to find culpability on the part of the gunmen. They had no choice but to attack the casino, set fire to it in an attack that killed 52 people. If the U.S. hadn’t allowed firearms to flow into the hands of these fun-loving folks who murder, rape and behead their enemies this never would have happened.

Given the thought process of Calderon, Obama and the rest of the anti-gun folks who want to use the 2nd Amendment for toilet paper we should let bank robbers out of prison. After all, they never would have robbed the bank if they hadn’t put the bank there in the first place. It’s not their fault. Firearms are evil and people shouldn’t be allowed to have them.

Perhaps we should disarm the police and the military and have them protect us and themselves with reason and in extreme cases – harsh language. After all, the firearms are evil. The police need those firearms because of bad people with evil intent. Apparently the rest of us don’t need to fear those same bad people.

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