2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Who's to blame?

Who’s to Blame?

For the first time in history the credit rating of the U.S. has been downgraded below AAA+. That means under the ‘leadership’ (if we can call it that) of President Obama, S&P has put investors on notice that your U.S. bonds are no longer considered by them to be ‘money-in-the-bank’.

The finger-pointing and blame game has wasted no time in commencing. The obligatory, “There is plenty of blame to go around.” and “We need to work together.” is nothing more than rhetoric from people who don’t believe a word they are saying but feel they have to say it in order to seem middle-of-the-road. The fact is the conciliatory language coming from their mouths is nothing more than bravo sierra emanating from an area much lower on the anatomy.

Despite the ‘Let’s play nice and compromise’ language you’re hearing each side is convinced the other side is to blame.

The esteemed congressman from Massachusetts, John Kerry puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Tea Party. We have heard claims of the Tea Party being terrorists and holding the nation hostage by putting a gun to their head. I find it fascinating that the party who claims we need to tone down the rhetoric and be less vitriolic is so obsessed with using words like ‘terrorists’, ‘hostages’ and ‘putting a gun to our heads’ language every time they speak.

I think if anyone is to blame it is, in fact the President and the Democrat leadership for putting a gun to our head in order for them to get what they always have had and always will have – more money to waste on ineffectual wasteful programs. The Democrat’s view of ‘compromise’ is, “Give us more money or we’ll tell the American people that you want old people to die and you’re going to take lunch money from the mouths of children.” Every time budget comes up it’s the same rhetoric from the Democrats, “The Republicans want to take your Social Security away and we aren’t sure we can pay the military if you don’t give us more money to waste in order to keep our phony baloney jobs.” For goodness sake, how many times are people going to fall for this same old tired ploy!

Social Security as it stands is unsustainable. If we don’t change the way we’re managing (or not managing) it Social Security will definitely run completely out of money and the Democrat’s crying wolf will finally come to pass.

Fact: We don’t have an income problem.
Fact: Washington has a spending problem
Fact: Like an alcoholic, the Democrats will never admit they have a problem. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

The left is terrified of people like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Marco Rubio and Texas governor, Rick Perry. Why? It’s because they know these people are the antithesis of every thing liberal politicians stand for. True Conservatives believe in a balanced budget, smaller government. Rick Perry’s state of Texas leads the nation in employment. How is that possible, given the rest of the nation is in shambles under Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’?

Obama and liberal Democrats sound like a broken record, claiming the rich aren’t paying their fair share and the answer to our problems is to simply tax the rich more. If you’re one of the folks who are either habitually unemployed because you’re too lazy to work and have learned to use the system or you make a dollar per year less than your neighbor that sounds pretty good to you.

I am bored hearing about how the rich aren’t paying their fair share. The fact is half of the Americans in this country pay taxes for the other half who don’t pay a dime in taxes. Coincidentally those same folks who don’t pay a dime in taxes are the same ones who believe that way. Creators.com had a cartoon of Obama titled, What did he say? It showed Obama saying, “I won’t allow the half of Americans who pay no taxes to bear the burden of the other half who aren’t paying their fair share.” Bada Bing!

Am I without compassion? Hell, no! I’m mad as hell that there are poor single mothers out there who are willing to work two and three jobs in order to support themselves and their kids because she can’t get enough money to live on after every one else has bellied up to the government teat. I feel sorry for the elderly who worked hard all their life and thought they would be retired by now and finally enjoying the fruits of their hard labor, only to find Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’ has wiped out their 401K and change is all they have left. I feel sorry for the disabled who can't work, though no fault of their own or the widow who's husbands life savings can no longer sustain her because Obama's policies have caused interest rates to tank. I feel sorry for the husband who can't find a job because Obama's policies have destroyed so many of them and he has to flip hamburgers or work in a convenience store just to put food on the table. Those are the people I have compassion for.

Talk about holding a gun to someone’s head! That’s exactly what Obama and the liberal politicians in Washington did. They metaphorically put a gun to Conservative’s collective head and said, “Just give us the money and we’ll put the gun down.” To them that’s what compromise is. If you don’t give them more money to spend that we don't have they'll claim you aren’t compromising and you're mean spirited.

Has it dawned on anyone that the Democrats were supposed to have a budget over two and a half years ago? We keep hearing from Democrats about the President’s budget plan. What budget plan! He hasn’t put one on paper but we keep hearing about it. Where is it? I’d like to see it. I’d like folks who are much smarter than me to look at it and tell us if the plan will work at reducing the deficit and create jobs so we can get back on financial track.

I’m not Secretary Tim Geithner, (thankfully) but I can tell you that everything Obama and his wrecking crew have touched has had the reverse Midas touch.

Meanwhile Obama is set to go on a bus tour through key political states on what he claims isn’t a political vote-getting tour, but rather a tour to get the economy back on track and put people back to work. Really? Did I mention the carbon footprint the two bullet-proof busses and entourage are going to make? How about how much it will cost the half of us who actually pay taxes will have to pony up for his un-named un-political campaign is going to cost? I can’t fathom how these people can look us in the eye and spew out the B.S. they do. The problem is there are Kool aid drinkers out there who actually do believe this non-sense. It absolutely defies logic and common sense.

I had a discussion with one of those folks the other day. He was one of the un-educated, ill-informed folks who are systemic of the problem. It was the day the Dow dropped 513 points in one day. He looked at me and said, “We had a surplus when Bill Clinton was President.” I was faced with either explaining to him how un-informed he was and trying to educate him – despite knowing he had drank the Kool aid and it was pointless or simply shaking my head in pity for him and walking away.

Always one who loves a good challenge I opted to try to educate him. I explained that for the first time in 40 years we had a surplus while Bill Clinton was President. The reason for that however was because we finally had a Republican controlled Congress and that it certainly was in spite of what Clinton’s policies would have produced. Let me make this simple for those who think it’s complicated. CONGRESS CONTROLS THE PURSE STRING. He then went on to tell me that Bush squandered it under his tenor as President. I had to explain to him that the Democrats controlled Congress under Bush’s tenor. Until the mid-term elections the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House. Obama owns this mess. That doesn’t stop him from wining it’s all George Bush’s fault.

I will opine George Bush made some bad decisions and certainly should have vetoed some of the outrageous spending of the Democrats but you own this one, Mr. Obama. You got a bad economy and made it worse with your failed policies. Far worse. You stimulus did anything but stimulate the economy. Your Obama care has been shown to be a policy that will actually increase medical costs – not reduce them.

Hope and Change? I’m looking forward to that in the November Presidential elections. Since you have yet to name your political tour bus that you claim isn’t a political tour on the taxpayer dime, may I suggest, ‘The Obama farewell tour buses? That is when we’ll finally have some reason for hope and more than change left in our pockets.

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