2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why are corpotations leaving the U.S.?

Why are corporations leaving the U.S. and taking $Billions with them?

I just watched a 60 minutes report on U.S. corporations that have moved to places like Zug, Switzerland or Ireland in order to avoid the 35% tax rate they would have to pay here in the U.S.

Hell, yes. Why wouldn’t they? The tax rate in Zug is about 15% and about 12% in Ireland. We’re talking $billions in taxes saved. When they take their business – which may only amount to a mailbox in Zug they take thousands of jobs with them – jobs that would normally go to Americans.

The rest of the industrial world has already learned to lower their tax rates in order to lure Canadian and U.S. corporations. In fact some countries have even offered tax rates of 5% in order to woo corporations to their countries. And why wouldn’t corporations take advantage? They would be stupid not to.

Still, liberals are too sagaciously-challenged to get it. Like in New York where the mantra of liberals was always, “We’ll tax the rich more. They aren’t paying their fair share.” It sounds great if you’re a liberal and you’re talking about someone else’s money. Liberals are always great at putting someone else’s money where their mouth is.

The problem for them was rich people can live wherever they want and they simply moved to Florida or Zug or Ireland where they wouldn’t be screwed without so much as a kiss. And when they left, New York suddenly found was their was a huge vacuum in revenue that was no longer being supplied by ‘the rich’. That means you have to increase taxes on middle-income folks. It’s like Margaret Thatcher was quoted as saying: “Sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

Still, Obama and the rest of his band of morons continue to rant that jobs are the number one priority while at the same time doing all they can to drive them to other countries – along with the opportunity to put more Americans back to work and gain billions of dollars in revenue. You can’t get the liberal mind to understand this. It’s a character flaw they have. They simply refuse to get off their kick of blaming the so-called rich for all the ills of this nation. Liberals and their policies aren’t the solution – they’re the problem!

Another thing you find with liberal politicians is they play to the lazy and uneducated. They have found that if they simply say the rich aren’t paying their fair share they can get the uneducated to believe the lie and give them hope that somehow the liberal politician will make it right by becoming modern day Robin Hoods and taking from the rich and somehow giving it to them.

The reality is these same people offer no real solutions or their own money. On top of that the people who think their life is going to be made better find just the opposite. No worries, though. These folks suffer from battered liberal syndrome. It doesn’t matter. Their mind is made up and they aren’t about to be swayed by the facts.

The liberal ditz, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a prime example of the embarrassment that permeates the Democratic leadership. The Democratic National Committee chair looked into the camera lens and proclaimed the Republicans have offered nothing and Obama’s numbers are in great shape.

How about a little Reality check? The Republicans passed two measures in the House but Senate leader, Harry Reid declared them to be ‘dead-on-arrival’. Meanwhile the Democrats have offered nothing. They were supposed to have a balanced budget over two and a half years ago. They’ve offered nothing! We keep hearing about the plan Obama has. No one has seen it. Nothing has been put in writing. Like the mythical unicorn; it doesn’t exist. Still we keep hearing from the Democrats about the President’s plan. What plan?? There is no plan, aside from destroying this great nation.

As for Obama’s numbers being great… Lady you must be smoking crack. His numbers are in the toilet.

Hope and change? That will happen when Obama and his subversives receive their pink slips in the general election. He will go down as the worst President in American history.

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