2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are Liberal Pundits and Politicians inherently dishonest?

Are Liberal Pundits and Politicians inherently dishonest?

Each time I watch the television and hear the liberal pundits and politicians spew, what can only be described as blatant dishonesty, I find myself asking myself, “Are they really that stupid? Do they really think we’re that stupid? Or are these pompous paragons of disinformation and misinformation fully cognizant of the lies they’re telling and of the damage they’re causing the country but prefer to put party over country?

They continue to keep telling us the so-called stimulus didn’t work because we just didn’t give them more money. And the only reason the alcoholic wasn’t cured was because we just didn’t give them enough liquor to drink.

I do not believe in enabling these people. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in curing yourself. These people don’t realize they have a problem. They don’t realize they are the problem. Anyone who has a substantive disagreement with Obama’s policies is called a racist. May I remind folks that his mother was white and race has nothing to do with making bad (make that, horrible) policies.

Given the extent they go to in order to hide details from the rest of us who have a functioning brain with the ability to use logic and reason, I can only assume they know they’re trying to pull one over on the American Public.

I’ve know a few decent used car sales people so I won’t belittle them by comparing Obama and his ilk to a used car salesman. It wouldn’t be fair to the used car sales folks.

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