2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

More stunning defeats for the Democrats

The Democrats were just handed more crushing defeats in New York and in Nevada.

In New York, Republican Bob Turner gave a ‘shellacking’ to Democrat David Weprin in a district that hasn’t had a Republican since the 1920s! The Democrats claim it isn’t a referendum on Obama, though.

How much more in denial can one party be?? Of course it’s a referendum against Obama. The two elections were local but it’s about the continuous discontent of the people against liberal policies.

When people are out of a job and losing their homes liberal bravo sierra will only carry you so far.

You are about to reap the whirlwind come election time and it’s going to be ugly. The only beautiful part will be following the election and watching the U Haul trucks hauling your belongings (and probably some that aren’t yours, ala the Clintons) away.

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