2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is Joe Biden dumb?

Recently Politico (not known to be a bastion of unbiased reporting) posed the question, “Is Governor Rick Perry dumb?”

The headline was clearly intended to be inflammatory and to put Perry, ala Sarah Palin, in a bad light. It was meant to make Perry appear stupid. If Perry is stupid and Obama is brilliant I’ll take stupid over brilliant. By the way, where are Obama’s college transcripts? We’ve heard much about them but I’ve not seen them published. All of the far-left loons have no trouble finding the dirt on Perry, Bush and Palin but they are seemingly unable to find anything substantive on Obama. Inquiring minds want to know where the dirt is. Hell, they could find dirt on the Pope and Shirley Temple if it furthered their far left agenda.

I also wonder why it is (rhetorically, of course), we’ve not seen headlines asking, Is Joe Biden too dumb? It’s not exactly a secret that Biden is a human gaff factory that’s working over time.

In his recent visit to China Biden sort of got his talking points on debt a bit wrong. He claimed Americans own 85% of the U.S. Treasury securities. Wrongo, Ol’ Joe. Americans only own about 54% of the public debt.

Certainly I don’t mean to question the integrity of the left loons. OK, that’s a lie. I fully mean to question their integrity. If you’re a liberal politician and you’re scratching your head, trying to figure out what it means go to the dictionary or ask someone like Marco Rubio or Governor Christie.

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