2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Monday, March 22, 2010

How did Obama's bill pass?

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and their ilk are touting what a victory the vote for Obama's catastrophe he calls a health reform bill is.

Let's be clear; this vote came about from sleazy backroom deals and a complete disregard for the Constitution of the United States -- You know that document that they all took an oath, swearing to uphold and defend.

The new Marxists will have a little problem that could end their giddiness. It's called 10th Amendment -- state's Rights. Those powers not given to the government are the powers of the states and of the People. Make no mistake; Congress and Obama have no authority to take over health care, car companies, banks, student loans or any of the other things they've taken it upon themselves to hijack.

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