2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
It's tough to argue with the logic
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ewwwww that smell!

Ewwwww, That Smell. Can’t You Smell That Smell?

To quote the lyrics in the song by Lynyrd Skynyrd, “Can’t you smell that smell?”

It was Nancy Pelosi who kept telling us that we had to pass Obama care to see what was in it. Turns out she may have already known what was in it.

20% of all Obama care waivers went to Nancy Pelosi’s district. Am I the only one who believes this administration is the most corrupt in U.S. history? Please tell me all Democrats aren’t as corrupt and conniving as Reid, Pelosi and Obama.

Reid and Pelosi have managed to get a whole cornucopia of waivers from a health care bill that was supposed to be so great. If it’s so great, why are they asking for a waiver for folks in their districts? It’s a rhetorical question; we already know the answer. It’s because the plan stinks more than the latrine door on a tuna boat!

These people shouldn’t be holding office – they should be in a defendant’s chair of a court house, answering questions about their dubious activities and backroom deals! I can’t understand how they can even stand to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning.

They say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nowhere is that more true than when it comes to Reid, Pelosi and Obama. Now we have former Obama White House Chief of Staff as mayor of Chicago, that bastion of crooked politics. Where does it end with these people!

As for the people of Chicago, they voted for Emanuel; they deserve what they got. The same can be said of those who voted for Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’. So how’s that Hope and Change workin’ out for you? Are you making more money, now that Obama is President? Are you paying less or more for gas and groceries since Obama became President? Do you feel the presence of more transparency in politics like Obama promised or do you see backroom deals and a President out of control when it comes to spending, vacations, golf tournaments and lavish parties while telling the rest of us that we need to tighten our belts and sacrifice?

A lot of folks voted for Obama to prove to themselves that they weren’t racist. A small note: Obama’s mother is white. Some were intimidated by the new black panthers standing outside voting polls with night sticks in their hands – a federal crime which Attorney General Eric Holder won’t pursue. Some voted for Obama because they thought he was going to give them things. Hopefully people will vote against Obama this time to prove to themselves that they aren’t complete morons.

This leads me to something else. Newt Gingrich was quoted as saying President Obama is the “President of food stamps”. The far left media has suddenly turned the statement into claiming the statement is racist. How? It’s factually correct. More people are on food stamps during Obama’s presidency than in any other time in American history. They are claiming the food stamp comment is clearly aimed at black people. Huh?? I would opine that nothing in the statement even remotely suggests that it’s aimed at blacks or any other group of people. I would also suggest that if more blacks are collecting food stamps during Obama's term than under any other President; than the statement is factually correct.

The Democrats and the far left media are in the tank for Obama. This President and the lame-stream media are the most arrogant and deceitful that I’ve ever seen and set the bar high when it comes to double standards.

There is no doubt in my mind that the next generation of ACORN will raise it’s ugly head when it comes time for Obama to run again – not that he ever left campaign mode.

We must remain vigilant to voter fraud and we must get the apathetic out to vote. Vote for real Hope and Change; not what we’ve got from Obama – rhetoric.

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