2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

How much mess did Bush really leave Obama

How much of a mess did Obama really inherit form President Bush?

I was talking to a man today about the killing of Ben Laden. He was telling me how impressed he was with Obama planning the military operation to get OBL. I told him Obama couldn’t plan a bowel movement. He immediately whipped out the liberal’s standard mantra, “Well he’s better than the previous President.” I told him that no George Bush apologist am, I but I’d take exception to his factual accuracy. He responded with another Liberal catch-all, “He inherited George Bush’s big deficits.”

Ok, time to set the record straight on this much-repeated pile of flatulence. I realize the Kool aid (see Jim Jones if you don’t know who they were) drinkers will not be swayed by the facts but here we go anyway.

There are three branches of government, the legislative branch that makes the laws and controls the purse strings, the judicial branch that carries out the laws that Congress passes and the executive branch, aka: The President, who can not make law but has veto power.

Obama, like a talking doll has a limited number of responses and declarations. The one used most is the, “I inherited this mess from the previous administration.” line. To George W. Bush’s credit he’s stayed above the fray and has refrained from engaging in the finger-pointing his successor has brought to an art form. But then Bush has some class, something Obama will never understand any more than he appreciates the sacrifices our military men and women make.

A President can neither create a budget deficit nor a budget surplus. So when you hear the stories about the so-called “Clinton surplus” remember that the Congress was controlled by the Republicans at that time. That surplus was the first in 40 years. Coincidentally, it was the first time the Republicans controlled the Congress in 40 years.

When Obama was elected to the White House with a little help from his friends at ACORN (vote early and vote often), he inherited a deficit that was created by the Congressional Democrats at a time when Barack was in the Senate and was one of the biggest spenders.

While it is true Bush should have vetoed more of those spending bills, some that he approved of, the fact remains the Democrats controlled the Congress.

Until the recent 2010 mid-term elections the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House. Still, the President insists on whining like a little baby (my apologies to any babies who were offended by that statement) that he inherited this mess from Bush.

It is Barack, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid in the, until-only-recently-Democrat controlled Congress and Senate who created the massive deficit we now have. I particularly like the jobs created by his ‘stimulus’ bill that were created in Arizona’s 93 Congressional district. Much like Obama’s “57th” state, the Arizona 93 Congressional district doesn’t exist. I live in Arizona and we only have 13.

Most of the mess we’re in is compliments of the Congressional Democrats pushing the banks to make risky loans to people who couldn’t afford them. Most notably were Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd. Unfortunately too many spineless Republicans went along.

In 2004 President Bush said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac needed oversight the Democrats cried, “Foul” and played the race card; claiming the Republicans just wanted to keep poor people from buying a home. Ah, there’s that race card, again. The Dems know it will bring all but the strongest Conservatives to their knees. They suddenly find themselves defending against racism charges instead of having a substantive debate about the real issues and facts. That’s why I’m not intimidated by their tactic and will gladly engage those folks on a substantive debate and shut the race card down mo ricky tick (A Marine Corp term).

So the next time a Liberal hits you with that tired old heaping helping of bovine flatulence, tell them to get their facts straight and educate them. Many voted for Obama to prove they aren’t racist. Perhaps this time they’ll vote against him in 2012 to prove they aren’t morons. Nah, never happen. Their mind is made up and they won’t be swayed by the facts.

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