2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama sides with Palestine

Obama sides with Palestine

What unbridled arrogance! Obama has told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel needs to move their borders back to their 1967 positions – a move that Netanyahu, not surprisingly rejected.

As I looked at the Associated Press photo of Obama, the arrogant, with nose in the air and speaking to his subjects I was reminded of former dictators addressing their minions. Disgusted doesn’t begin to cover what I felt as I heard of the patently arrogant, asinine and stupid gall of Obama. This President has certainly gone above and beyond any measures that I ever would have thought he would go to in order to alienate the U.S. form any allies we ever had and attempt to befriend every enemy we’ve ever had. At what point to we stop looking the other way and begin impeachment proceedings against Obama?

Israel is the gateway to the west and Obama, the arrogant has decided (ruled) that the U.S. would take sides with the Palestinians. Let me rephrase that, the people of the U.S. aren’t buying into the notion of supporting terrorists but our President has ruled that we will.

Obama is quoted as saying that he want to assure Netanyahu the United States commitment to Israeli security is “unshakable”. Unshakable?? Do you really think he believes the bravo sierra coming from your mouth when he has eyes to see the path you’ve been on since taking power? “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.” – The Great OZ.

This latest act of epic stupidity on the part of the President simply boggles the mind!
According to Obama, “The status quo is unsustainable.” Your Presidency is unsustainable, Mr. President.

At every turn this President has sought to weaken and destroy America. It is time for the masses to stand up and begin working in earnest to defeat this President in the upcoming 2012. We need a referendum that will send a clear message to all that this President doesn’t speak for us and that real “hope and change” is coming – for the better.

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