2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obama still trying to tell us the border is safer than ever

Barack Obama claimed Tuesday in an immigration speech in El Paso that his administration has gone “above and beyond” what Republicans asked for in border security.

Obama cites the addition of more Border Patrol agents and the drop in apprehensions of illegal border crossers and, believe it or not the low violent crime rates in U.S. border cities.

Really? Really?? Ok, how ‘bout a little reality check. That speech may fly with people who may have been living in a drug tunnel between the Mexican and American border for the last few years or those who would agree with you even if you said black is white and day was night. It would sit well with those here illegally but it won’t fly with those of us who live eighty-five miles from the Mexican border and don’t have to take your word for it.

The reality is we have Border Patrol agents testifying that they are under orders to turn around (“go north”) if they catch illegals or drug dealers near the border. The reality is Obama and his band of political gang-bangers are suing Arizona for doing the feds job that they refuse to do. The reality is, despite what former governor and current Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano continue to spout, the border is NOT safer than ever! The violence along the border is growing exponentially and is coming further and further on this side of the border. That, President Obama is the reality – not this fantasy myth that you and your cronies want to peddle to the American public in hopes of becoming a two-term dictator.

Each day there is an increasing number of bodies found missing their heads. Each day there are more bodies found in mass graves and strewn about the border cities. That President Obama and Secretary Napolitano is the reality. To pretend it is what it isn’t and to aid and abet is criminal and you and those who do so should be held criminally libel. And to think Attorney General Holder wants to hold CIA agents responsible for enhanced interrogation is just appalling. The CIA agents helped protect Americans – something your administration (regime) can’t claim.

Obama was quoted as saying, “All the stuff they’ve asked for, we’ve done,”. “But, I suspect there’s going to be some that are going to move the goal posts on us one more time.” Let’s be clear Mr. Obama, you haven’t done the things you promised and I have a whole file to document it. What you’ve done is hand us a turd and tried to sell us on the idea that there is a clean end to it.
Obama went on to say, “Maybe they’ll say we need a moat? Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat,” Obama said. “They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that, that’s politics. But the truth is that the measures we’ve put in place are getting results.”

Apparently Barack fancies himself as somewhat of a comedian. “Missed it by that much, Chief.” And the fact remains, despite your claims to the contrary, your measures haven’t produced results, unless, of course you’re speaking from the cartel’s viewpoint or the viewpoint of those hoping for the demise of this great country.

Obama called for those Republicans who walked away the last time demanding more border enforcement to now come back to the table and finish the work Congress started. Perhaps in the same fashion that the Democrats in Wisconsin did, perhaps?

“Today, the immigration system not only tolerates those who break the rules, it punishes the folks who follow the rules,” Obama said. You’ve just described your immigration policy to the letter, Mr. Obama. Now you just need to realize you’re talking about your own policies and not those of someone else.

Obama was booed loudly when he highlighted the administration’s building of border fences. Gee, why do you think that is and who do you think was booing you, Mr. President? Think maybe it was predominantly those who are here illegally?

As the old saying goes, don’t pee down my back and tell me it’s raining. What you’re selling is a lemon and we aren’t going to buy it again in 2012.

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