2nd Amendment for Dummies

2nd Amendment for Dummies
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mexican officials delivering migrants to kidnappers

Mexican authorities fired seven immigration agency regional directors in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Oaxaca, Mexico, San Luis Potosi and Quintana Roo.

The regional directors were fired amid allegations that they were delivering Central American migrants to kidnapping gangs. I'm mortified! The kidnapping gangs reportedly have reportedly been extorting money from the migrants or recruiting them for drug trafficking.

Why am I not surprised. Contrary to what Mexican President, Felipe Caldrone would have us believe, Mexico is corrupt from top to bottom. Of course if you listen to the balderdash of Caldrone, Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, it’s all the United States’ fault – we supply them with guns. Not so much. That’s already been debunked and we now know that our own ATF has deliberately facilitated thousands of firearms going to Mexico; some that have been tracked to murders. Of course they want to disarm American citizens; it would make us easy targets like the migrants who wind up beheaded if they don’t cooperate.

Make no mistake, lots of money comes back to Mexico from Mexicans in the U.S. illegally. That’s reportedly Mexico’s second largest source of income. I’m not sure where taxpayer money sent to Mexico by our Presidents in the form of “aid” comes in.

An estimated 400,000 illegals cross through Mexico each year to the U.S. And of course any babies they have here automatically become U.S. citizens. And to add insult to injury the rest of us have to pay all of the medical bills in the form of increased rates for us and they will automatically receive a whole cornocopia of benefits in the form of food stamps, welfare, housing breaks and more. That of course gives them more time to go to rallys to protest America, burn the American flag and demand even more preceived Rights for being here illegally.

Meanwhile there are thousands of immigrants who came here legally, are hard working, tax-paying members of society who are justifiably outraged. They played by the rules and now they’re watching these law-breakers go to the head of the line in the name of partisan politics. Pissed? You bet! I would be if I were them.

Meanwhile they just found 8 more decapitated bodies dumpe along the road, following the mass graves containing 196 (so far) corpses. Note to President Obama: This is the difference between “corpse” and “corps”. ie: Corpmen – not corpsemen.

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